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Men are scared of me because I'm tall, lol. I'm finally starting to accept that women can be tall too and have nothing to be ashamed of. Love her

2023-12-02 15:05 marked
you have no authority to read this
2022-03-11 03:16 marked

Asami Ryuichi from Finder of course ( ̄▽ ̄)

2019-11-29 17:52 marked

My 10th year marriage anniversary is in just over a week. I've been with the same guy for over 16 years total. Here's the thing: Marriage isn't that big of a deal. People make it be a big deal because it's pounded in their head that this is a life-altering mega-important thing that changes everything about your relationship. It doesn't. If you're......

2018-06-07 06:37 marked
I freaked out when he said "Mi Tesoro" like omg he speakin Spanish?! That's such a sweet thing to say too!
2018-01-22 07:18 marked
That final "more,desire more of me" its hot Like fucking hell i feel my heart go like kyun kyun (⊙…⊙ ) whit his face
2017-04-09 10:18 marked

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