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hhhh followed a goer

hello i read 8hrs a day (*´ェ`*)

10 09,2021
hhhh answered question about make a picrew
I cldnt resist, the options were just too perfect, also I cldnt find a beanie for Wilbur so I just used hair T_T
hhhh answered question about petition to remove my brother
people with adhd should just pay attention
hhhh answered question about question
ewww it makes the fact that there's a child in dear Benjamin so ick
hhhh created a topic of Full volume

I am very uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the studio today

hhhh answered question about chat about anything
Not a fujo, but sum1 who fetishized Yuri. So someone was talking apt their r*pe experience and the person responded "I would've enjoyed it, it's like real life Yuri" and then added one of those stupid emoticon thingies to make it seem like what they said was not the most degenerate shit ever. this one >ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
hhhh answered question about reincarnated to other world
I wanna b a pretty mushroom
hhhh followed question about drawing

I’m doing an art stream on discord in about an hour and don’t really have any content yet…if anyone’s cool with it, would you mind giving me some references of your OC’s or maybe a favorite anime/manga character? I’ll try to draw some of the requests during the stream and will post them here later ️️

18 07,2021
hhhh answered question about thoughts about rape in fiction
It depends how it's framed, and how its used. If it's used as a start to romance I will most likely avoid it. Or if it's framed as a sexy thing i'll tend to avoid it as well. I like OUROBOROS because it actually treats rape like its supposed to, detrimental, harmful, and traumatizing. As for people who read and enjoy rape in fiction...ehhh if they'......
hhhh created a topic of Full volume


hhhh answered question about question
"what is Oedipus complex?" "Do I have an Oedipus complex?" "Am I gay test" "Am I gay reddit" "Am I gay quora"
hhhh answered question about eat dessert
hhhh followed question about eat dessert

Mangagoers are so freaking sweet. I don't care what you have to say to that. In fact if you say otherwise, I'll personally think you're weird Okay, Time for Dessert. Make it something sweet, Please~ ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

15 07,2021
hhhh answered question about have a wild imagination
What if Gabbie Hanna actually takes accountability for her actions? but that's impossible lmao
hhhh answered question about anyone know any nice pictures