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Hell_boi created a topic of Boys dormitory 303

I mean the artist is better then me but bro it would've been calm if it started off like that but noooo

Hell_boi like the answer
(warning I got a bit annoyed ) YESSS free Palestine tbh idk how ppl can openly support Israel like are they blind do they not see what's going on in Palestine and the worst thing is when they are like "oct 7th" like bro what about the yrs before that since 1974 like did the world starts in October no it didn't also when they are like "do u condemn......
Hell_boi followed a goer
11 05,2024
Hell_boi answered question about question
(warning I got a bit annoyed ) YESSS free Palestine tbh idk how ppl can openly support Israel like are they blind do they not see what's going on in Palestine and the worst thing is when they are like "oct 7th" like bro what about the yrs before that since 1974 like did the world starts in October no it didn't also when they are like "do u condemn......
Hell_boi answered question about question
honestly I don't think blocking "celebrities" will do much unless all the fans stop interacting with the "celeb" but the reason many fans dont block celebs is bc they think no one else will so then what's the point but if billions and millions of people think like that then if they all changed their mindset and all blocked/unfollowed the "celebs" i......
Hell_boi add 1 photos to awww

look at him carry him awww

Hell_boi answered question about question
I just find questions from the topic im doing and answer them and you can find mock exams on the internet also you can find question on yt too but personally my school provides past exam papers so I just ask my teacher for test papers
Hell_boi add 1 photos to lmao

got thrown on bed

Hell_boi followed a goer

I am a fun guy
I use this website to read not smut but wholesome manhwas instead

02 04,2024
Hell_boi created a topic of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

idk how ppl dont like the romance in this its actually alright also usually when they fall in love all of the mc's adventures have to include the girl but in this one they have freedom they promised to meet on later floors that's so cute also season 3 last chapter is a cliff hanger like its so wholesome how they all joined together and where like saying they would do there best but it wasn't cringe and who was the guy at the bottom of the chapter???? I cant wait for next season!!!

honestly haven't even viewed ch1 yet but that prologue ting seemed boring, apparently the novel is better so I will read the novel

Hell_boi answered question about stay at home for several days
raised in uk born in Italy from Pakistan lived in Canada . crazyyy right glad to say im not whitewashed despite all the different cultures Ive gone through :) oh yeah and I look like a south east Asian and white person had a baby but im fully south asian. allie idk what happened to me.
Hell_boi answered question about question
could've waited till after Ramadan but the fact you r self aware about ur question, like r u sure ur just curious or is something else going on here ?
Hell_boi followed a goer

I am a fun guy
I use this website to read not smut but wholesome manhwas instead

29 03,2024


Hell_boi followed a goer
28 03,2024
Hell_boi created a topic of WEE!!!


Hell_boi followed a goer
28 03,2024