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meow's experience ( All 0 )

meow's answer ( All 1 )

i really hope someone see this- edit: ty for ur suggestions somehow i cant replay and upvote BUT THANK YOU   2 reply
08 02,2021

meow's question ( All 1 )

I meet this guy on a game and we pretty much became friends, he asked me out and since then we have been dating. today he asked me for my phone number bc we mostly talk on discord, I gave it to him and now I'm scared bc I realize that when u call someone u can see their location. We haven't seen each other or heard each other reason why I'm scared asf and thinking I'm gonna get kidnapped-
so if someone has suggestions on how not to share my location that would be great.
sigh, I really am stupid...
also, I have an iPhone so if someone PLEASE ┗( T﹏T )┛
thank you.
08 02,2021

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did being in a wlw relationship

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