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End of this discussion Mr. Duke is our to be son in law. I repeat it’s Mr. Duke

Rafa created a topic of Nan Hao & Shang Feng

Awww...where I can find a man like mr.feng

Rafa created a topic of Jinx
Rafa created a topic of DEAREST

Oh Gosh....damn two giant light sticks

Rafa like topic of Lovely allergen
Rafa created a topic of 1 to 10

I wish I were that lucky librarian

Rafa created a topic of 1 to 10

Waiting & praying Doyoon x San sunbae ship

Rafa created a topic of Lovely allergen
Rafa created a topic of Feel My Benefit
Rafa created a topic of Surviving In A Harem
Rafa created a topic of The Tosa's Master

I really don't know what I should feel rightnow.

Rafa created a topic of Jinx

Where is my gun where is my gun. I'm gonna shoot him fr

Finally we get to see the real thing not a light stick. Ohh no two dicks

Rafa created a topic of The Tosa's Master

I repeat it’s PATHETIC

Rafa created a topic of Butler

ohh god young duke is sooooooo cute......

Rafa created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung stop manipulating our baby Dan. You jerk I'm sure yoy're not drunk, you are pretending to be a drunk