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Arisueii February 20, 2017 3:37 am

"Wut gurl? U talk shit about my bummie? You gotta go down the basement now"
"My bummie is...smelly? Well now you will be as smelly as the dead can be!"

Arisueii February 20, 2017 3:17 am

Since the manga is really realistic, what your reaction will be if your son/daughter came out to you as gay/lesbian? What if your 14y/o child beg you to get him hormone pills because he doesnt feel like a boy and want to look like mom? Please answer it honestly after considering your husband, your families and your child's future. Imagine yourself as a mom and not as a yaoi fangirl.
This world is full of hypocrites. I've met a lot of yaoi fangirl who actually despises lgbt community and treat them like shit. If you met a girly boy today, what is the first thing you have in mind?

    Mochi February 20, 2017 3:35 am

    True very true.

    Personally I wouldn't care less, but it's a fact that these are not the norms yet. Yes i have many gay and lesbian friends. My roommate is lesbian, but the fact that we are so aware of these things is because it's not the norm and they stick out to us.

    When I met my guy friend, I perceived it as a "normal guy". But when I saw him wearing nail polish and dressed in 'feminine' clothes', the first thing I thought was "oh". Simply because I didn't know, not because I was shocked. But I think this speaks to the fact that we immediately assume the normality in people. That "oh" moment was me understanding that he doesn't fit into the norm, but I am completely fine with it.

    If my child comes out to me saying that she/he loves someone of the same sex, or want to take hormone pill, I from the bottom of my heart will support it. All I am worried about is my family (parents and siblings). Because in my family, only my brother is accepting of these things, but the rest view it as disgusting, abnormal and such. But for my child, they don't need to be a part of his/her life, not if they are going to deny their existence.

    Sorry that was long hahahahaa

    yui February 20, 2017 3:37 am

    Well, i'm female. But i never attracted to any sex, and didn't have any sexual or romantic desire. But, if i have a kid, I swear to my self, I didn't want to see them as a 'girl' or 'boy'. I'll let them being what they wanted (as long as it's have a good impact on their self). If they were a 'female' and wanted to wear jeans and have a short hair, i'll let them. If they were a 'male' and wanted to wear a skirt or dress or have a long hair, i'll let them have that. And if they want to take hormone pills, as long as it make them happy, make them smile, i'll let them have that.

    And about being gay/bi/pan/asexual or not, i'm gonna ask them first. If they said they wanted to date the same sex as them, i'm ginna have two questions for them. 1) are you sure? Not about how people will see them. But how would they able to make the other person happy? (2) ask their own self, if that make you happier, if that what you want, then do it.

    I've grown up in a country where a girl should be dressed like a girl and a boy should acted like a boy. A country where it's a big sin if a same sex had married or have a relationship. My family also thinking the same way, but, i experienced it my self, i met people, i see the world. I want my (future) children know, it's okay to be happy, to be their self.

    Kiko February 20, 2017 3:48 am

    i will not care, it can be none of my business what my child like so it doe not really matter ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    ellisno February 20, 2017 3:57 am

    I'd support my kid 100%. I'd much rather an LGBTQ+ kid be born to me than someone who wouldn't treat them right. Maybe my ovaries will absorb the gay from the atmosphere, haha.

    SH47 February 20, 2017 4:03 am

    I wouldn't care. I've already talked to my 10 year old daughter about same sex relationships, and how love is love, regardless of gender.

    My whole family (brothers and sisters) has also been very supportive when our cousin came out, and we are very vocal when extended family thinks to trash talk our cousin.

    Opinions are one thing, ignorance is another.

    JUNNA February 20, 2017 4:29 am

    I am a South Asian that been brought traditionally with some liberal mindset. In regards with the LGBT community, my only problem is gay people's vanity and misogyny. Yes, gays can be misogynist. Google it.

    However, If my son or daughter come out as LGBT, I will not disown them. I will still support them and hope they will have a steady life.

    Sadly, my relatives might think I am disgraced but I don't give a shit about it.

    PS: I would more forgiving if my own husband comes out as gay than cheating me with another woman.

    browniewhiz February 20, 2017 6:05 am

    I wouldn't judge them or anything. My parents are very conservative, but I was raised by liberal teachers + tv programs. If I had children, all I want is for them have good human traits and lead healthy, satisfactory lives. I could care less about their sexual orientation. I'd support them on anything so long as it's nothing crime-related/other ill-intended or stupid decisions.

    BangtanPanda February 20, 2017 6:23 am

    Honestly, if it's what my (hypothetical) kid would truly want then I'd want them to be happy. I won't see them as anything less because of it. Being gay or identifying with a different gender does not make them a bad person, so I don't understand how people demonise such people. Think about the way they themselves feel scared and torture just to even accept their own feelings, let alone try to come out to their friends and families with these feelings... They literally are not hurting anyone, so what's the problem?
    I've hung out with gay people and there is literally no difference in them from heterosexual people. In the end we're all just people, sexual orientation aside.
    Even if my close friend or relative who comes out as gay, or trans, or gender fluid, I would wholeheartedly accept them. And with the world nowadays trying to have a positive change, I can only hope when I have kids, there will be less discrimination.

    IMO the only times I wouldn't accept anyone, close friend or not, is if they're the type who intentionally inflicts pain (mental, emotional, physical) on others, or attacks anyone defenseless (like weaker partners, children, animals). Sociopaths like that are who I feel are lesser humans, not people who like just people of the same gender ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    manganiME February 20, 2017 7:12 am

    Parents and kids don't always agree. My religion and my mom's differed, and it hurt her that I didn't stay with her religion, but we loved each other and you work through it.

    If my kid said they were transgender, I'd try to research it and learn about it and see how I can help them. But even as a parent, I don't violate my conscience. If my kid said they wanted to marry three people --like a Hare Kon type thing--I'd be against it. BUT...that's my kid, I'd tell them I didn't approve but I'd love them and be kind to the spouses and try to be as good a mom and MIL as I could be without having to change my own beliefs.

    Being family means you will have differences. Some small, some big. But if you love each other, you try really hard not to hurt each other--to disagree with kindness. You dont have to be all, "You're X and you're Y and it disgusts me and you're evil" and shit like that. You can say, "We see the world a bit differently, but until I die, you are my kid and I will have your back."

    Legra February 20, 2017 8:02 am

    Super honestly answering your question from myself. Yes I'm a YAOI fan girl And yes I love YAOI. But I'm torn if my son/daughter came out as a homosexual or they want to be opposite gender. I'm a Christian (wowowow, chill with the "fk religion!"), I will never ever throw away my belief. Sometimes I wonder myself why am I reading YAOI too. I don't do drugs, I'm not a bad person, I'm a filial daughter, I help ppl around me, the only thing bad from me for what I believe is reading YAOI because that's against my religion. I see it as how I pass time, for me to have fun. Guilty pleasure. But what's in manga remains in manga.
    At the end of the day, I just can't accept them like that. I'm not gonna scream at them, I'm not gonna put my child down, I'm not gonna disown them, I just say that's your choice but I will never give my blessing. That is all.

    Lilian February 20, 2017 11:07 am

    I was raised to think everyone is the norm and wether you love the same sex or are in the wrong body is ok.
    My Parents always say that all are just people like you and me and everybody is free to life and love like their want it to be.
    I have gay people in my family and also some of my friends are. And I support them, because their still them.
    Honestly I can't understand people who have so much hat for them. Or are reading Yaoi but can't accept it in real. What is so bad about it?
    You can't decide who you fall in love with. Sometimes it is a girl, then a boy and then... what hurts me the most is, when people themselves can't accept it or have difficulties to do so, mostly because of the society or the people around them.
    And phrases like "Oh I made you gay" or "Since when did you become gay"... so stupid, you can't make someone like this, and even if it seems like it is out of nowhere, it isn't, their just couldn't accept it before or didn't want to.
    I really can't understand the people who want to explain everything with their religion and do everything according to them. I don't want to say I think religion is stupid or something like this. But I am agnostic... so it is hard for me to understand this strong belief and despair at people just cause the religion says so... I think it is just because of the way things was told over the years. Before Jesus there were already people like that to, because it is human. And I think Jesus would have accept these people, so why can't you... they didn't hurt you just because their exist... so let them be and don't make it impossible for them to life...

    sorry that was quite long

    Yamaga February 20, 2017 1:35 pm

    My best friend is gay and I somehow knew, and just waited until he told me. I support him and everything, but when I met his boyfriend, I realized it's not that simple. Because his boyfriend didn't trust me. He told me he hated straight people because we are all hypocrites. His mother found out and doesn't talk to him, and my friend's mother is going to therapy because of the shock.

Arisueii February 19, 2017 5:47 pm

Omg am cryin so hard. Although its clear that the spirit like Mimori-san and the living Mimori-san are like two different entities, the living mimori choose to believe in Iku and let himself fell in love with Iku all over again in real life. The dialogue are confusing sometimes but heck if its yaoi, you put some calculus shit in there and i will still understand it somehow

/still can shake that feeling of Oikawa tooru in mimori tho /

Arisueii February 19, 2017 1:39 pm

His reaction is just like mine when i got in my first club that played edm... 20 minutes and i start tapping everyone lol

Arisueii February 19, 2017 12:52 pm

No i donr have the link to it.. I am ASKING for it!
Who got the raws for this magnificently funny yet frustrating webtoon, please shareee

Arisueii February 19, 2017 3:24 am

I've met someone like subin in the past who keep pushing himself to me to the point he told my parent that we are dating and ask his parent to meetup with mine to arrange our 'engagement' whatsoever. The point is that, it is really annoying and creepy and terrible when he start to think that we are dating even when am not even replying his texts and calls.
Subin u gotta get over him and start anew with the kinda hot office manager. Gogogooooo...

Arisueii February 15, 2017 10:11 am

Haruki is starting to crack and i felt so bad for him. I hope he can just pack his stuff and get away from everyone and pretend that his whole family is dead already.

Arisueii February 14, 2017 5:44 am

Fast it good! Thrust faster... Eh ,i mean, trust..not thrust..but yeah, thrust faster is good too.. Better!

Arisueii February 13, 2017 11:57 am

I literally screamed when the other guy saw him masturbating lol i kinda felt the secondhand embarassment.lorrdddd

Arisueii February 9, 2017 4:35 am

Dancing is hard but so is my dick...
I dont care anymore..everyone just look damn good they could've just do one massive orgy already.

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