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Fun and happy(1) 2017-06-13 0

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Danie October 25, 2020 8:15 pm

So, I keep seeing the comments about how this is racist (which is good)but isn't that the point of the story? This type of work is supposed to show how silly and extreme it is to just like or dislike someone based on their skin color. While I agree that the story might not have needed her to be whitewashed (and she was pretty just the way she was), it does powerfully show a change in the attitudes of parents. I believe this is supposed to be a cautionary tale. (i.e the lesson being, if you judge people by how they look, then you are an asshole like the people and the parents in this story)

Danie August 12, 2017 9:32 pm

For every one that is saying that he needed to go to the cops, you have to take into consideration in some countries, male rape (and rape in general) is not considered a crime and even if it is, the societal norms is to victim shame. Also the two brothers both come from money (and are involved in a shady business), so if the cops were involved, nothing would come of the kidnaping charges.

And to those that says that this glorifies rape. This web toon is showing the horribleness of someone that is completely powerless (no money, no friends, and mentally scarred by being raped) trying the best that he can to live.

This is not a love story. The main character is not in love with any of the people that raped him. This is a story about a man living though his situation that he is powerless in while protecting protect others around him (the Bulgogi man, Bulgogi man's sister, and the girl that lives with the brothers)

Yes the action of some in this story are horrible, but the main character is one of the strongest main character I have seen in a web toon so far. He doesn't let his trauma get in the way of help others.

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