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✧babybeel✧ created a topic of No Moral

The security who happens to see what's happening in the elevator cctv ⊙ _ ⊙

✧babybeel✧ created a topic of Liveta

Finally learning the wholenoah backstory? Thank god its been dragging for SO LONG

✧babybeel✧ like the answer
Me discovering modern day apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and colonoism
✧babybeel✧ like the experience about being awake for far too long
I hate all billionaire celebrities, i think they are all evil capitalist pigs, but Taylor fans are a whole new level of delusional. "Taylor Swift deserves to be person of the year" did they all forget the fact her and her stupid private jet produced 8,250 tonnes of carbon dioxide this year, nearly 1,200 times more than the average person's total an......
✧babybeel✧ created a topic of Reunion
✧babybeel✧ created a topic of Akuheki

Hello gais, umm asking for a friend, does this have a novel? My friend says its for umm scientific purposes....

mid story but nice art, didn't like how the uke easily forgave the seme for being such a piece of shit to him.

✧babybeel✧ created a topic of The Foul

"The drug doesn't affect your memory" LMAOO LET HIM ACT A BIT BRO HE IS EMBARAZZED

✧babybeel✧ created a topic of SPY x FAMILY

Loid being confused as to why Yor is suddenly speaking poshly is hilarious

✧babybeel✧ created a topic of Semantic Error

There's gonna be side stories right?......Right??

When the mom was about to get hit and told woowon to go to his room triggered a memory for me :( only difference is i did what i was told, still regret it to this day

✧babybeel✧ created a topic of Half of Me

Wow didn't expect the strict teacher to pull through

✧babybeel✧ created a topic of Akuheki

Im calling it that the bottom when with the glasses dude so he wont expose the top being a murderer to the police, and only for the top to move on after what the bottom did for him

✧babybeel✧ created a topic of Akuheki

Ayyo wtf is going on the latest chapter, theres like random mangas/manhwas inbetween the pages. Someone come fix this shit too good to be ruined like thiss

Is there a kind soul out there who could share the novel for this? I will give you 4 dabloons

✧babybeel✧ like the answer
Zionists. Can we even call them human?
✧babybeel✧ like the answer
bruh isreal goverment ppl i hate them baby booming mfs DIEEEE