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Mizemj created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

thank base Jebus- JFC they deserve the rest

Why would you do this?? WHY IS THIS HAPPENINGGGGG I'm so... hurt??? I hope it's a happy ending but omg they've gotten ZERO rest

Mizemj created a topic of Finder

Like I remember reading this and buy it in HIGH SCHOOL- I'm so glad though, the story is amazing, the character development is great- I just wish she could let them REST. AND BE HAPPY ( ̄∇ ̄")

Mizemj created a topic of Kabukicho Cat Honey

the cat though ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Mizemj created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Such a great series- never a dull moment

Mizemj created a topic of Free in Dreams

LMAO I live for the toxicity

Mizemj created a topic of Beasts of Desire

Sihyeon honey, I support your rights (and wrong) bby- burn it all to the GROUND!

Mizemj created a topic of Sonna ni Iu Nara Daiteyaru

*death drops directly into my coffin* I almost LOST IT there- this was a great chapter

Mizemj created a topic of Good Boy Addiction

Glad I got to finally read more- disappointed though in the direction. this could have been an amazing exploration of boundaries and compatibility in BDSM spaces but I guess author had to rush it??? for reasons?? not as good as I was hoping but It's not the worst thing I've read on this sight lmaoo

seriously the MC needs to get out of his own head and just FKING ASK. I've never been this kind of person/ had a crush like this so IDK what this is like, but if I think something is up with my partner I at LEAST ASK. It better than blowing things out of proportion and catastrophizing every little moment they have/don't have/ over hears/over sees just like... WHAT DOES HE HAVE TO DO??? WHAT DOES CHAEHEON HAVE TO DO CAUSE THIS IS CRAZY AT THIS POINT. (I'm having a great time, in real life I'd have lost my mind)

Mizemj created a topic of Full volume


Mizemj created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

No fr I thought for some reason this was not going to be a good time and I was SORELY MISTAKEN. I am invested. What a great series :>

Mizemj created a topic of Love Strongly, Surprise!

I'm living this is hilarious

Mizemj created a topic of Beasts of Desire

That old man can kick rocks and eat dirt- I cannot WAIT for him to get his comeuppance. Han Gyu-Hwae is diabolical- lusting after and TORTURING your boss's kid for DECADES so you could, what? Break him enough to turn him into a s*x slave/ puppet for business purposes? There are degrees of sleaze in this Manwha (which, I enjoy) he's just like... bottom of the barrel. I'm having a great time though trying to figure out who's playing who and how here. Hopefully the end of this series is just... the whole company is burnt to the ground metaphorically and literally, and Sihyeon can go off, be free, get some therapy and, IDK, open a bar?

USE YOUR WORDS!! BIG BOY WORDS. PLEASE COMMUNICATE. Please just be a chapter of this BS I can't take a whole two-grown-men-not-talking-sh!t-out-and-causing-more-nonsense-drama-for-no-reason season.

Mizemj created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

these chapters are WAY TOO SHORT SO MUCH IS HAPPENINGGGGGG. SETH GO GIT YOUR MAN!! THEO hang in there my strong man omg it'll be ok please just hold the line ┗( T﹏T )┛

Mizemj created a topic of Cure Blood

that was wonderful. I was gutted at the end- my heart sank into my feet at the funeral. all the kudos to the author- I will be picking up a copy of this if I can find it

Chaeheon is so /patient/ with the ML the poor dude- 'iTs AlMOst liKE we'Re daTiNg' I can't... I'm...( ̄∇ ̄")

Mizemj created a topic of Jinx

'hE wAs w0rrIeD abOut Kim Dan caUse hE wAs aCTing sTrange/ pASSING oUt at w0rkdsjkhkhsdakjjfsd' PLEASE STFU Is2g if Dan somehow Delulu's himself around this one....