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Monsieur created a topic of Boys dormitory 303

dude is not even the art style, is the whole ass plot
like the artist just gave up bro, it was a cute funny sol but now is just all twinks blushing and shit ??????

Monsieur created a topic of Agnus Dei - Lamb of God

the ending made my day bro wtf :)))

Monsieur created a topic of Mayday mayday mayday!

there’s a part 2 to this istg
i cant find it somebody help me

Monsieur created a topic of Jinx

this story is so ass but i can’t stop reading it

i like that its don’t romanticize
abuse and pedophilia and she’s actually behaving like an actual human being
like she’s not suddenly being really smart and evil and getting revenge left and right
like she’s actually really flesh out character
peak tbh !!!

Monsieur created a topic of Devil on Top

i’m heartbroken like this story could have been so good but it’s just have been going downhill
in the newest chapter he’s been raped by some bald fat men like wtf

Monsieur created a topic of Devil on Top
Monsieur created a topic of PIGPEN
Monsieur created a topic of Jinx

omg i hate it when the bottom fall in love with the top (rapist

Monsieur created a topic of Jinx

ohhhhh a new hot character

Monsieur created a topic of Akuyaku Reisoku Tensei

is there really no ch3 i want to know more about the prince

i hope this webtoon get more attention because this is too cute and too underrated