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potat.00_ like the answer
not me tryna STEAL xingqiu's boyfriend and him stepping in to interrupt us SLSKDJFLSKDJFSKLDF
potat.00_ created a topic of Black Lotus
potat.00_ like photo (from Album)
potat.00_ created a topic of Fucked by My Best Friend

Wtf why are they so chaotic and Shion this is why you you shouldn't talk so loud right after you slept bwahaha they made me laughed

potat.00_ created a topic of Black Lotus

Hunny it's not little it's fucking too much you know of I can go there I'll take niannian with me and never get him close to you I'm so to sad for him like I've never cry for someone in my life

potat.00_ created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

I need to sleep but Iruma-kun supremacy

potat.00_ created a topic of Hold Me Tight

And this is why I save some ink

potat.00_ created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

Ok but hyesung's mom made me gay

potat.00_ created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

Anyone have link or where I can read the original I'm impatient lol

potat.00_ created a topic of Duke's Private Tutor

This kinda confused me at the same time it does not?

So they we're kidnapped but the kidnappers didn't know that the child that they kidnapped was the Duke brother?

potat.00_ created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

I saw this on another app but when I got used to it, it won't let me read some manga's (⊙…⊙ )

It's the "ah, isn't this way better than blogger stream"for me(⊙…⊙ )