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Pleb's feed

It’s okay for Naui to be feeling how he does (we can’t control what emotions arise within us) - but the way he’s processing it is so immature. Like ignoring Muhyeok, hitting, yelling.

A person’s dating history doesn’t say anything about them, nor does the amount of sexual partners they’ve had cheapen them (or warrant being called dirty).

And STI testing should be done before and after having a new sexual partner. Even if it’s just one. That’s just taking your health seriously.

Like if a person can’t cope with someone having a long dating record they should just not date those ppl. It must be hurtful to be shamed for enjoying your sexuality and having fun with other ppl. But if like said person you just except them for who they are.

Cause a cheater will cheat. Even a person who’s only dated 1-2 ppl can cheat. Like how ppl assume anyone who’s bi is more likely to cheat just cause they have more ‘options’. :(