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Awhh i kinda want more now lol
Does anyone know something simmiliar to this?

Lulu:3c like topic of Codename Anastasia

Poor mc
I think im gonna drop this by now. I really didnt think this would go the way of grape and manipultion i really hoped it would be normal

Lulu:3c created a topic of Jinx

lmaoo you feel like shit maybe beacuse you are one jaekyung

Lulu:3c created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Btw Zhenya is disgusting cant belive some of yall simp over him if he was a tad bit uglier yall would not act like this

Lulu:3c created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Poor mc
I think im gonna drop this by now. I really didnt think this would go the way of grape and manipultion i really hoped it would be normal

Lulu:3c created a topic of Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu

Did the genre change?? Im pretty sure it did bc i heard something but did it change to shounen ai or from shounen ai?

The translation is so weird i dont understand the plot at all ( • •||) are they step siblings beacuse the blonde girls mother married the father od the villaines or something??

Lulu:3c created a topic of Secret ejaculation

Its been so long i kinda forgot about this story but its so cute

Lulu:3c created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

The 101 chap is going to be the end of me

Lulu:3c created a topic of 1 to 10


Lulu:3c created a topic of Unfinished Business

This is so fucking dumb like why doesnt mido even want to listen to him about why he didnt come to get him like bro just Ask him why he didnt come??? Its so frustrating he acts like he knows everything but it looks like its just bullshit

I really loved this manhwa and followed IT from the start but the story progress is so slow...the author also complicated the plot so much i got lost

Lulu:3c created a topic of 1 to 10
Lulu:3c created a topic of Nerd Project


Lulu:3c created a topic of Slammer Dogs

The nipples clipping is such a big turn off...