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STAN BTS created a topic of You Who Wants to Love

The age gap is too much for me

STAN BTS created a topic of High Pulse

Im reading raws from other sites and i think they been on hiatus for more than a year !!!!

STAN BTS created a topic of Unmei no Omega

Fk!!! Im so tired of reading this type of shits !!!! Stop with this type of plot !! Really hurthing the beta guy
I dont want to see the end of that omega being pregnant with the alpha kid snd having a poly relationship

STAN BTS created a topic of The Moon Comes to Me

Fk !!! I just completed reading the novel and i hate lin mother and doule !!!!!!!

STAN BTS created a topic of The Moon Comes to Me

Finallyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!! My heart was crying for taoxi

He really thought of wanting to eat pork while sitting next to a pig

STAN BTS created a topic of Conditions of a Guide

Bro!!!! something is wrong

STAN BTS created a topic of Not Blossom
STAN BTS created a topic of On To You

Fk!!!! They are being cute !!!!! PLZ DONT CREATE ANY TROUBLE FOR THEM!!!!

STAN BTS created a topic of The Moon Comes to Me

Translation is bad but im enjoying reading this

STAN BTS created a topic of A Sunny Night Walk

Bro !!! Without making him omega he could have him all by himself tho !!!

STAN BTS created a topic of Secretary to Stage
STAN BTS created a topic of Water Polo Prince

I was so shocked to see the end lmao !!!! BYE

STAN BTS created a topic of Gig of the Day

Things should go the way its going !!! Plz dont be a red flag and give some trauma to my lil baby

STAN BTS created a topic of Unfinished Business

Fkkkkkk!!!! After all this i just dont want them to end up together that bitch seme can just go to hell !!!!