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RedRose created a topic of Lady to Queen

Ughh.. She deserved that slapped, if it was me, she will be getting more than just a slap..

RedRose created a topic of Duke's Private Tutor

Hold me! I wanna strangle the duke for assuming that the tutor's a suspect!

RedRose created a topic of i can see the success rate

I can't stop laughing once I got to the part old wang sold the bronze goblet for 2k!!! The scammer is scammed hahaha can't wait for the next update ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

RedRose created a topic of i can see the success rate

I can't stop laughing once I got to the part old wang sold the bronze goblet for 2k!!! The scammer is scammed hahaha can't wait for the next update

RedRose created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

Glad I saw the add about this webtoon.. This is a very interesting story... And I like how long and beautiful Maxi's hair is... I wish I had that kind of long wavy red hair..

Waahh.. I almost cried at the part where Aoyama confessed the reason why he lied.. And the part where he has started liking Nogi earlier than him..

All this results to Zach fallen inlove to an illussion..