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im NOT overthinking im NOT overthinking im NOT overthinking im NOT overthinking im NOT overthinking im NOT overthi— I AM OVERTHINKING AHHHH IM GETTING PARANOID CRAZY OUT KF MY MIND

Can we talk about who wants to come with me and kidnap that snotty faced kid and the one who spread rumors about jerry? i fucking sware id have them cooked on a microwave

Bitch step back kys I SWEAR !!! I dont mind if youre here for the drama but your total attitude to mc is making my blood boil fuck you!!!

Ah yes, sa something he did again after a few chapters he did a month/s ago im not even surprised anymore lolz. Maythan is now not comfy with physical touch—just see how he was so fucking scared when yuriel touched him!!! Fucking asshole

Our breakfast for today is fucking misunderstanding and that uncensored digidingdong. #notsogoodmorning

Oh wow. Suddenly , i am craving for a roasted rabbit (neungkyeung)

Oof the way he immediately thought of mc when the clerk showed him an expensive bed (not to mention he thought that they would sleep on it together someday) LMAOOOO the plan is definitely working ahahahahahahah (oof abandonment issues goes bRRrrrRRr

Im so sorry for being paranoid but what was that shining thing earlier when it's about to be doyoon's turn to speak (ive been like this bc of some horrible experiences w bl manwhas unfortunately). Anyway, can't wait for doyoon and mr ceo to kiss again i swear i want them to kiss again can they just go and kis

when r u both gonna talk to each other PROPERLY about what happened last night and stop acting so annoying to each other