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JBSmoove0128 created a topic of December

What’s the other guys deal? Like he’s really just a hater and it’s crazy lol

Woowon is disappointing me so badly. That man abused you and your mom, met your boyfriend and threatened YOU about it and you’re still letting him treat you like this? The greeting should’ve been a punch to the face.

JBSmoove0128 created a topic of Risky Vice

This storyline is terrible. Idk how else to put it,

Woo Won is actually starting to annoy me. He’s such a a pushover. That guy assaulted you and is blackmailing your boyfriend… kick his ass. Seo-in will bail you out

JBSmoove0128 created a topic of Solo For Two

Is Levin slow or something? “He looks just like Sasya” … girl why didn’t you say he’s adopted?

JBSmoove0128 created a topic of Jinx

Hopefully Dan grows a back bone next season. I don’t even know why he decided to leave a letter to the piece of shit. I would’ve said bye to the team and disappeared.

JBSmoove0128 created a topic of Formless

I appreciate the translator for trying their best but this story is honestly not enjoyable because the translations are terrible. I think it could be a pretty good story.

JBSmoove0128 created a topic of Solo For Two

This STORY!! I’m very pleased with it. It’s refreshing and it keeps me in the edge of my seat literally. At first , I couldn’t stand sasya but as the story progresses I really feel for both him and Karel. It’s so much going on

JBSmoove0128 created a topic of Limited Run

This story fell so flat for me and now a rushed “painter of the night” type side story? In disappointed.

JBSmoove0128 created a topic of Gig of the Day

I had a feeling that was gonna happen. Lol not even surprised, it was too good to be true.

JBSmoove0128 created a topic of Bloody Lies

Now I’m confused fr… I thought him being a vampire was a secret? Or maybe I wasn’t paying attention

JBSmoove0128 created a topic of Yours to Claim

I finished this because I was too far in when I started to dislike it. With that being said, I’m glad this mess is over. I HATE the ending and I dislike how the ended Cain’s story.

Anyways, thank you to the artist for giving us the art, whether I liked the story or not.

JBSmoove0128 created a topic of Yours to Claim

I’m not enjoying the end of this story. Never wanted Yawhi to be end game. This is falling very flat for me.

JBSmoove0128 created a topic of Under the Green Light

I'm really confused by this announcement.. Is this going on hiatus until august??

JBSmoove0128 created a topic of Yours to Claim

This manga is starting to get me upset a little, of course I’ll continue to read but... I really don’t need another predictable plot where the terrible seme has a “change of heart” and the Ike falls for it, no ma’am.