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I love how he handle the villains like they are just some sort of game breaking bugs xD

oh my! she looks good with herrace its feels like they'll have a very fun combination xD

OMG! when will the baby- I mean the monster be born?? xDD

so in short, the emperor have been accusing a whole lot of innocent people? lolz

Dr-Erotica answered question about question
gonna ask the developers to marry me to astarion, certificate and all xDD

FL got saved from that bastard why can't he? : <

why is most of the chapters, have such cliff hanger endings

omg! I really love this what if side stories hahah

boy or a girl name either one the empress will still think MCs mom is mocking them anyway

its done, how can I be satisfied and be unsatisfied at the same time with the ending??? huhuhhu

I knew this was bound to happen, one way or another, those covers are like that for a reason man

lose one threat to find another, and stepping on another one xD

I dunno what to say, is FL smart or not? xD

that face though when he conclude that his still bonded with FL, he practically was hearing church bells left and right xD