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Whoever is trying to justify this needs to go to JAIL. This is literally grooming wtf is wrong w yall bro, idc if its just a manga, its WEIRD. She also looks like a whole ass child (because she is????) HES A GROWN MAN HELLO

Its so cheesy i love it
Im happy the male lead turned out to be a complete green flag, i thought its gonna be another toxic man LMFAO theyre so cute ╥﹏╥

The right opinion created a topic of Dreadful Night

Help her sisters confidence LMFAOOO
Also idk abt yall but i love the mcs and mls relationship development till now GOING GREAT

I find it weird that the author chose to put im in highschool tho.. he couldve easily been a college student that is 2-3 years older.

Took her long enough to say her age BUT WHAT ABT HIM BRO TELL HER


The „miscommunication trope“ is normally not rly my thing, but they were soooo cutesy and cringy lmfao
The ending was a lil bland tbh I WANTED TO SEE THE WEDDING HELLO??????? THIS IS NOT ENOUGH

The right opinion created a topic of King's Maker

I need more Wolfshin content theyre so cute

I love how it showed both of their perspectives sm, it was so well written too, it has 0 plot holes AND both of them are likeable. They also got their happy ending TT theyre so cute


Dude im so happy he finally got his happy ending

Girl what lol, complete trash

Well if these arent the consequences of my own actions lmfao (im talking abt the ex)


This was short but soo good omg

The right opinion created a topic of Semantic Error

Its finally finished omg
This was sooo good and i enjoyed reading it so much. The author did so great writing this, everyone is literally a green flag and theres no toxicity.

The right opinion created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I had this on my list for so long, im happy i let this marinate
Basically: everyone sucks? Except for Woojin, hes the biggest W
The side story is more sweet tho, since Chunwoo is opening up more and is actually trying/showing Ho-in he loves him yk

The right opinion created a topic of Kick Off

Waste of time, rly. Nothing interesting happens at all imo..