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Nye answered question about question
Their format doesn’t translate well into mobile because it’s not MADE for mobile consumption. Formatting that is godly on paper will look like squished clutterdness on our tiny phone screens. Nowadays mangakas have been trying to mix the old format of black and white with modern Korean paneling, but it looses when it doesn’t have any color, w......
Nye answered question about question
BL content is not that good for it to be the only thing you read now…
Nye answered question about question
guess I’m cooked. Might as well go Amish
Nye answered question about question
>>do the thing you can’t do but want to. >>dont ALWAYS do the thing you can’t do and don’t want to. That’s how you walk yourself into art block. >>take on an explorative and curious mindset so you are willing to try new things >>use references. They’re not considered cheating, references references references!!! >Pinterest is the best p......
Nye answered question about question
Went to job island and nobody knew you
Nye answered question about your opinions
Tornados. I hate how the second we get a tornado people freak out and shut down everything even though we get dozens of them a year. Like I understand, but people will literally lock you in a room for hours on end even if the tornado is 40 miles away. Currently I’m at work and there’s a tornado going on and my shift ends at 10 (it’s 9:39pm as......
Nye answered question about healthy convo
I first write how I would talk it in front of a group of people or a serious 1 on 1 session. Makes everything flow better and I don’t have to worry about idea structure and how to properly formate my claim and what not because I tend to talk myself into a better understanding of what I’m saying and it’s like my words are me actively thinking......
Nye followed question about question

Had this account since 2016

24 04,2024
Nye answered question about question
Why would I want to built community with people who think I’m sub-human and only want the brutalization and death of anyone who looks/acts like me.
Nye answered question about turn into a guy
I don’t think it matters honestly. Stand on Business fren. I be replying to people mean asf if they come towards me sideways in the replies online. Or even if they just say something stupid.
Nye asked question about question

Please give me a manga/wha/hua rec with a horrible mc. I’m not talking about an anti-hero, or a villain with morals, but just an mc with a shitty personality. Would prefer if there were hero’s actively working against the MC. Like I want Azula from avatar the last airbender type of crazy personality. No recs where mc is a rapist tho, plz and th......

Nye shared experience about how are u guys doing in school
I don’t like how this turned out so I’m remaking it but it’s still cute
Nye answered question about question
Anna’s archive most definitely. It’s better than Z-Library and had a better more in depth catalog. It has every book imaginable, and if it doesn’t you can request them to upload one but that would be rare. It’s so big that it has some obscure scholarly articles that I thought I thought I would never find outside of JSTOR or google scholar. ......
Nye answered question about question
Do y’all know what a bookmark is? Like I don’t mean to be snarky but I see a lot of these questions about lost books when all you can do is
Nye answered question about question
It’s already happening fren…. Your kind of late, the thing about project 2025 is that things like that have been happening to minorities and nobody cared, but now it’s affecting the average privileged person so now people are paying attention. America had always been a Christo-fascist state, and you should’ve known that by manifest destiny,......
Nye shared experience about question
took me like 6 hours in total
Nye answered question about easy n quick way to get money
Set a timer for everything. Brush your teeth? “Siri set a timer for 2 minutes”. Get dressed? “Siri set a timer for 7 minutes”. With studying and not everyday life stuff, it may not be the perfect cure all but it definitely has better results then just winging it. The guilt of not getting finished before the time sets off is heavy as fuck, s......
Nye answered question about easy n quick way to get money
Queen Naija. She’s behind every wrong doing in the world. It’s all her.
Nye answered question about looking for yaoi manga
A good president is an oxymoron. Voting is bad yall