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Konnichi_wassup June 4, 2024 8:23 am

Can’t believe I just discovered this hidden gem.

Konnichi_wassup May 29, 2024 3:45 pm

Yes, the male lead is horrendous with the way he treated fl. He used her and now that she wants to be discarded, he still won’t let her. She was a very sheltered noble lady who was given all the comfort in the world because of her parental lineage. As for the ml, based on the latest chap, he was made into some sort of military weapon directly managed by fl’s father. As such, it is inevitable for him to find himself raged and beyond mad to see the life of fl who is pampered and loved by everyone while orphans like him are made to suffer for the sake of nobility.

But his sufferings doesn’t give him the right to treat the fl as if she was the one who did all those heinous things to the nation. Yet again, looking at his perspective, he is a very traumatized child who had to survive a military camp and literally grew up in such a blood-filled, dog-eat world. With this, his trauma is projected towards fl in such a twisted and cruel manner. Meanwhile, fl as someone who grew up in a beloved household, her way of atonement is through love as well. She tried reaching out to ml through love making, understanding, and even sacrificing her life for the sake of finally gaining peace not only for herself but for fl.

This story is something that you can’t simply categorize as black and white as it encapsulates the shades of trauma, resentment, and love. That’s why I cannot say that I loathe the ml but instead, I dislike the approach he did because of his trauma.

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pussy is scrumdiddlyumptious 01-23 18:09
≪•.💙.•≫ Cool Stuff - Non BL 06-13 06:57

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I want to be isekai-d to january of 2017 and try to change my course of life.

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