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Leche de fresa followed question about question

so as we know a lot of authors are making uploaders take their work off of mangago, so we can no longer read them here anymore. So i've been using this method to read on lezhin for quite a while now, and i'm warning you it's somewhat tiring to do but if you really want to read and support authors then you should try this. here's the link to my og......

18 07,2021

Kirishima is such a messy bitch ass, I can't with him
He really took to heart whem Yoshino told him that if he wanted her to like him, he had to be the most twisted mofo on earth.
He's so butthurt about Shouma having a closer relationship to Yoshino, his crazy self can't take it
Shouma bb, you were doing so good ignoring his bs. He doesn't deserve your attention.
( ̄へ ̄)
Yoshino as always w the queen behavior. She's on all these dudes necks.

Leche de fresa created a topic of Love for Sale

Lmaooooooooo! The fossil comment made me cackle cuz I can relate!
Someone I was dating refered to themselves as a fossil when I told them my age. The age gap wasn't even that big, he was like 13 years older lol. (Don't worry guys no pedo sh!t here, consenting adults only).
I dated a couple of older men and it's never felt weird or too different than dating in my age group. Too bad none of mine have been a sugar daddy

Leche de fresa created a topic of Love for Sale

I always see comments simping for Sieon, which I respectfully understand and live for, but don't forget about Nanwoo cuz that man is too fine! He is literally baby, so sweet and pure
If Sieon doesn't eventually fall for him it would b his fcking loss

Leche de fresa created a topic of ENNEAD

I read this whole thing without knowing that Osiris was green (I'm color blind). I just keep seeing ppl say fck that green mofo and was confused cuz he looks gray to me ...but yeah f him lol

Leche de fresa created a topic of 19 Days

He Tian always understands the assignment ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Omfg I didn't know their age gap was 12 years Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Leche de fresa created a topic of Form of Sympathy

I get so happy everytime I see Yuri and Yohan interaction... even if it's them always being jerks to each other lol.
Yohan is so handsome (︶︿︶)

Leche de fresa created a topic of Form of Sympathy

I'm so sad this doesn't update anymore

Raws for chapter 24. This looks intense!!! The bad news is that there is no new chapt till July :(

Leche de fresa created a topic of Love for Sale

My poor Namwoo... he is nearing that point of no return. He's falling for Sieon so fast and hard. Is gonna be a rude awakening for him (/TДT)/
I love this couple. I'm rooting from them so bad

Omg... a moment of of silence for this man's a*s.

Leche de fresa created a topic of 19 Days

Lmaooooo. I love how they all gang up to tease lil Mo.

Leche de fresa created a topic of Love for Sale

I alternate between wanting this kind of relationship to not really lol.
I find it that the long run I would be v difficult to be with such an emotionally unavailable person like Sieon. Like he is super sweet and caring but the fact that he has disclosed 0 info about himself, but knows a lot about Namwoo, is a bit scary for me.
I can tell he wants to see his partners happy but I feel like at this point he just sees it more like a duty because " he is good at, and is what he should do" more than what he really wants. I'm probably wrong but is just what I feel atm.
Also, I don't think they been together for that long considering that Namwoo's arm is still in a cast, so maybe I'm just being extra hard of Sieon. It does take a lot of ppl more time to open up.

Leche de fresa created a topic of ENNEAD

Ra really said fck monogamy and the patriarchy! Gotta love her! Haha
So, since she's preggos who is becoming a god? Horus or Anubis

A summary from chap 23.
Shouma and Kirishima get their a*s beat up by Renji (Yoshino's grandpa).
He is upset because Yoshino was involved in that disturbance in their territory, and she ended up hurt.
He interrogates Kiri about the reason for the fight, and he of course says it was all his doing and that Yoshino should have not been involved.
Renji tells Kiri that he is a problematic man and just as "clumsy" as his grandpa.
He says that he was somewhat able to keep his composure when his son was killed, but that he had reached his limit. He tells Kirishima that he leaves Yoshino in his care. (Umm red flags everywhere y'all, seems like Renji is scheming something that might end up with him dead.)
Anyway...the combo then switches to Tsubaki and Yoshino. Tsuba tells Yoshino to be even more careful now that she is his officially Kirishima's girl. They both agree that he won't force Yosh to do anything sexual, but Tsubaki warns her that Kirishima is the most dangerous type of man because he manipulates/sways people into doing his bid without them even noticing. They compare him to a scammy salesman lmao.
Tsubaki asks if she's told Shoma and she says no, that's she is scared but she knows that Shouma won't do anything to Kiri in her presence.
Little did they know is that Shouma and Kirishima just met and that they're probably about to have that talk....yikes.

Spanish tranlations are 1 chapter behind, so there should be another chapt. coming out in a few days.

Leche de fresa created a topic of Love Shuttle

Seems like Do-Hwa came prepared to cause some drama, drama lol. I can't tell yet if Do-hwa actually cares for Dojun and just likes teasing him cuz he's the mischievous type, or if he actually harbours something bad towards his brother. I'm thinking he's just likes to play w ppl and tease. I remember how he did Taehan when Doyun brought him over to his mom's house.

Leche de fresa created a topic of Love for Sale

I'm now concerned for my safety and judgement of ppl because a bunch of ppl here keep saying that they're getting psycho vibes from the sugar daddy, and I'm here not picking any of those vibes and just rooting for them lol.
Yea, how he acts is bit too good to believe, but I mean is not like sugar daddy ain't getting something out their arrangement too. They both giving each other something that the other wants in this relationship, so its not as once sided as one might believe.

Leche de fresa created a topic of Love Shuttle

Does the brother waiting outside the apt. (srry don't remember his name) has a thing for Dojun? Idk, but he just seems very interested in terrorizing and sabotaging Dojun's love life. Maybe he got some Alabama feelings for his bro?
I also find it really odd that our of all the siblings, Dojun is the only one who looks v different from the rest of his brothers. I wonder if they actually full blood related.