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beeboboop created a topic of Girl Crush


beeboboop created a topic of Turning

did they have s relationship in the past?

beeboboop created a topic of Trophy Wives

ugh the art is way to shiny

beeboboop created a topic of The Man At Night

girl if your gonna do it you don’t have traumatize a bunch of ppl while ur at it

beeboboop followed a list

Because we all love this trope 
(BL only) 

Each page has my top 10 recs for these categories:
Pg 1 ➼ lighthearted
Pg 2 ➼ dark/heavy
Pg 3 ➼ sexual tension
Pg 4 ➼ slow burn
Pg 5 and beyond ➼ mix of stories
(will periodically shuffle order as I add more ◈ last re-organized 10/07/2023)

**The more extreme/explosive relationships tagged hate to love**

25 11,2023
beeboboop created a topic of Dive (yeonpil)

something about this art style is so soothingg

beeboboop created a topic of Si Bel Homme List

can’t wait to see them actually fall for each other

beeboboop created a topic of Have You Been Wronged?

i’ve gyat to read more chapters

beeboboop created a topic of Be the Actor

i don’t even care if he’s 40, no romance pleasee its so unnecessary

beeboboop created a topic of Debut or Die
beeboboop created a topic of Please, Candy!

that was funny asl but seeing him in tue lingerie was a bit traumatizing

beeboboop created a topic of 1 to 10

this is miserable, tall girl needs go leave and get her priorities straight, short one needs therapy

beeboboop created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

the brother… geez he’s so FINEEE

beeboboop created a topic of Girl Crush
beeboboop created a topic of The Man At Night

i wanna cut her some slack cuz i have no clue how i’d react to smt like this but just suck it up and stay home girl, it’s better to be petty in a warm room that the streets