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Trinque followed question about simp over yourself

introduce urself by first impressions u always hear abt u mine: hi, im "looks so innocent and quiet but then u will be surprised because im a simp"

10 07,2022
Trinque like the answer
The mangago community is so fcking annoying, on one hand we have the fetishizers and mfers defending rape, pedophilia and incest just because it's "fiction" and on the other hand we have mfers who have never experienced laughter or happiness in their entire lives and as a result they don't want other humans to experience those as well. Yall are alw......
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mostly my voice ngl, I don’t ever shut up either

Trinque shared experience about fave genre
Physiological Horror, Yaoi, Historical Romance, Action, Mystery, I do also really enjoy Fantasy and stuff with like Magic in it. Though my favorite genre has got to be Physiological Horror.
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Yes I can and will and do read yaoi in class, but sometimes its hard not to make a face and you just gotta sit there like ._.