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Rood June 7, 2021 8:15 pm

I just dont ger it, can anybody tell me, i know its not important, but i just want to know who's jigoo first love, in prequel he said that tutor is his first love, but in sequel he said to juhyun he was the first love, idk is jigoo is liying with juhyuk cause the mood or what, pelasee tell me :((

    Hitata June 7, 2021 8:27 pm

    I was confused about this too maybe its a mistranslation but if it isn't I was thinking maybe he he isn't fully counting the tutor as his first love since he was young and dumb and they didn't really act like a couple in his views so now he sees Juhyun as his first actual love with the more maturity and mutual feelings

    mae June 17, 2021 10:05 am

    Basically I think he was saying it bc he probably liked him when they met as kids but didn’t understand (hence the flashback in the second book) whereas the tutor was in hs and he actually realised he was gay

Rood June 6, 2021 10:13 am

The next story in ww2 background (i think) that sunbae have his previous life memory, when hosik died n they can't be together. I hope this arc side story not give us sad ending like that too, its enough with the tragedy. It's hurts so much when sunbau must married with another woman cause the responsibility, hosik died, and when that sunbae got amnesia

    Kei June 6, 2021 11:42 am

    So you mean there's still another side story??? 。◕‿◕。

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