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Yanah1412 did

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I did we WERE bestfriends. Now not anymore. Totally my fault though. I was the one who told him we should stay friends but I'm insecure asf.

Yanah1412 answered question about how to tell bf you like yaoi
MakoHaru forever like literally I'm obsessed with them. I just love them so much and have been shipping them for 8 years.
Yanah1412 asked a question

It was a shoujo the girl could see the people past life and then she was afraid of this guy who was a seal I think in his past life cuz she remembered that she died because she got eaten by a seal. Please help me. I want to read this and I forgot to add this to my list ╥﹏╥

Yanah1412 answered question about question
Yanah1412 asked a question

Kid: hey sis what does gays mean?

Sister: it means that you can love whoever you want regardless of who they are.

Kid: then what does penetrating gays mean?

Sister: uhmmm what's the whole sentence bud?

Kid: My Neighbor has a penetrating gaze.


Yanah1412 asked a question

SL or BL Manhwa/manga is fine. I'd really love to read something modern rn. High school/college/working everything is fine for me.

Yanah1412 created a topic of Carrier Falcon Princess

Reply to this if you want to read the novel. Imma DM you.

Yanah1412 created a topic of Carrier Falcon Princess

How does she get her body back?

Yanah1412 answered question about question
Uhmm dad I mean hehhehehe nothing.
Yanah1412 created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

Can I just say that Louis is so dense he takes it to another level. Maetel proposes to Louis and y'all they're so sweet. They get married and Louis gives birth to the baby and he still doesn't know who the father of the baby is! The baby literally looked like the carbon copy of maetel with Blonde hair and purple eyes. He knew that maetel was the other father when some girl with blonde hair showed up and told her about what happend during the night he got drugged.

This may or may not be accurate because the raws are in Chinese and I don't understand Chinese. I just interpreted the pictures.

Yanah1412 created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

When Delulu Wanton gets executed and dies can y'all put something funny about his death under his profile?

Like Delulu Rafael Wanton Wrapper (dead) (cause of death tried to take maetel's boy toy) or sumthing

Yanah1412 answered question about petition to remove my brother
: we would like to report a lost child this person is apparently named K - A - R - E- N Karen Johnson. She's looking for her guardian with the name KAREN SR. thank you have a nice day.
Yanah1412 followed a list
Yanah1412 asked a question

Just not BL or GL and isekai/reincarnation I'm taking a break from those genre ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ anything romancey. High-school or adult I'm fine with either. I just want some thi g in the modern setting. Manga or Manhwa is also fine. Thank you (●'◡'●)ノ

Yanah1412 created a topic of Evenly Matched Love

Can we all agree that Trolesse brother is an asshole. He literally snitches on Trolesse and tells their grandpa that Trolesse has illegitimate children that are both awakened with 5 purple seals and that the person that gave birth to them was a male empty man.

Yes I want to pull out all his hair and throw him in the depths of the underworld. But thankfully Grandpa is a great guy. Starts throwing sticks at Trolesse brother because technically this entire predicament is Trolesse brother's fault. Grandpa felt so bad for Yunshen that he went through all the hardships alone and Trolesse brothers had the guts to shove him away and as to go as far to make Trolesse lose all his memories of YunShen. Grandpa is a sweet heart and doesn't try to take the kids away forcefully too and wants them to adjust in their own pace.

We shall collectively agree to throw away Trolesse's brother and Weiya together.

Yanah1412 created a topic of Evenly Matched Love

Yun shen I love him but I understand that it's a very difficult, hectic and sensitive time for him right now. He needs to breath too. A lot of things are happening he's stressed and the kids weren't helping his situation at all. I think Trolesse and Yunshen both did wrongs and rights that's fine we're human. They need to sit down and talk it out. Yun Shen needs to listen to Trolesse at least once just once. You don't even need to give him a chance, just listen to him. He doesn't have any hidden agenda. He wants to help too. To make things right too. But if both of them won't give each other a chance then sh*ts gonna go down.

The only thing that we can all collectively hate right kow is the Mu and Aslan family and Weiya cuz she's a two faced bitch and is faking the entire thing. Now let's go and throw her away.

Yanah1412 created a topic of Evenly Matched Love

She's faking it. Yes you heard it right. She's faking it. I read the novel and she's purposely doing it so that she gets Yunshen's attention. Yes, f*cking snake. They even get a healer for her but she refuses to get healed because according to her when she gets healed then Yunshen has no more reason to stay and take care of her. She keeps guilt tripping Yunshen and its so f*cking frustrating cuz Yunshen knows but he's not doing anything about it. F*ck her. Can we all agree to throwing her away?

Also she literally tries to steal Garan and Gala's gift for Big daddy and she starts crying to guilt trip everyone around her. F*ck her.

Yanah1412 created a topic of Evenly Matched Love

Mu Yu shen I love you babe but now I just don't understand you. I read the novel and let me. Tell how frustrated I was with him. After he received the call from Trolesse (Big daddy) he jumped into conclusions and accused Trolesse of kidnapping the children. He didn't even listen to what Trolesse had to say. He just straight out lashed at him and shout curses at him for taking his babies. Mu Yun Shen went to the hotel where the kids and Trolesse were at and they ultimately had an argument. Trolesse explained that the kids didn't want to go home because Yu Shen neglected them and that they felt upset bu Yusn shen accused Trolesse that he "brainwashed" his children into thinking that and just wanted to kidnap them. Like heck are you hearing yourself Yun Shen? I felt so sorry for Trolesse. The guy got deprived with his kids for 7 years and it wasn't even his fault. He made it clear to Yun Shen that he didn't want to steal the kids from them he just wanted the kids to acknowledge him as his second father and accept that they have another father. I felt so bad because Yun Shen literally landed a punch on Trolesse face and Trolesse didn't do anything. The kids ended waking up and saw everything. They cried so hard because it was described that Yun Shen had an angry look in his face and the kids became scared of him. The kids only calmed down when Trolesse went on his knees and opened his arms for the kids to crash in. The kids told Yun Shen that it was their fault and that it was them that didn't want to tell Yun Shen that they wanted to go with big daddy. I literally cried when the kids said that "Big daddy didn't ask us any questions he listened to our stories and our adventures and had fun with us during the ride."

Trolesse is also the father of the children. It was unfortunate that they got separated for 7 years but none of it was their fault. They all just had shitty circumstances. Why would you deprive Trolesse with the kids? He just wants to be acknowledged as Big Daddy and be part of the children's life and you steal that away from him! Why would you do that! He even told you that he didn't want to take them away from you and here you are acting like they aren't his children and that he's some kind of child trafficking kidnapper. Dang it I feel so bad for Trolesse (/TДT)/

Like seriously Mun Yun Shen you need to chill!
I literally had a migraine because of you.