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HaNahime created a topic of Lemon Lighting

Wow... Did he really forget his dorm? (≧▽≦) Thanks for uploading this!

HaNahime created a topic of Black Lotus

Getting near... Niannian and that stupid Gu will divorce...

HaNahime created a topic of Love Shuttle

Since you were the one who started this first, please be responsible. Take good care of our Dojun and don't you ever dare make him sad....OR ELSE!!!!

HaNahime created a topic of Unromantic

Thank you for the update!!! ( ˘ ³˘)

HaNahime created a topic of Black Lotus

Of coz Niannian is better than your beloved bitch (≧▽≦)

HaNahime created a topic of Black Lotus

I really want to slap Yansheng's face (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ don't you dare give that necklace to that b***h!!!

HaNahime created a topic of Love Shuttle

Hope the doctor won't hurt Dojun's feeling...

Please anyone... Pick up this story cuz it looks interesting (≧▽≦)

HaNahime created a topic of How to Snag an Alpha

HAHAHAHAHA Secretary Byun (≧▽≦) I love this guy

Wow... Too much things happened in one chapter... But, I kinda like this new guy ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

HaNahime created a topic of Fruits Basket Another

I know most people said that Akito should be thrown away into jail etc. But I think the mangaka did a good job by explaining how hard Akito's life after all those things happened. She tried her best to change to become a better person and she is now a good mother to Shiki. She gives love to Shiki... The love that she never gets from her parents... Good to see how close the new gen and how they take care of each other...

HaNahime created a topic of Black Lotus

Am waiting for the moment when Nian Nian finally divorces that stupid Yansheng...

HaNahime created a topic of Too Close

Yeah... Damn STRAIGHT... hope you won't get shock later, daddy (≧▽≦)

HaNahime created a topic of Too Close
HaNahime created a topic of Evenly Matched Love

The bloodline thing is annoying.... Damn... Just let those kids live in peace... No need to take them away from their dad and grandparents.

HaNahime created a topic of Struggle

Just like the title... Struggle enough to read the stories

HaNahime created a topic of Too Close

I would like to know more about the dads hahaha (≧∀≦) Also... Girl, please don't disturb them or... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻