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I love how be opened up to her easily and did not ignore her or anythimg arrghhhhh

kosmo.dewey answered question about stay at home for several days
highschool students having quikie inside a fitting room
kosmo.dewey answered question about we are screwed
I'm fucking dying
kosmo.dewey answered question about lmao
ECCHI! Anything with unecessary fan service, unrealistic big ass boobs, little kids wearing panty shorts and tiny bras, women being blantly objectified in general.
kosmo.dewey answered question about change something
watching him rn:((( I gonna miss this big goof forever
kosmo.dewey answered question about make a picrew
kosmo.dewey asked question about be a dumb bitch

ik this is common but I OCCATIONALLY listen to audio p0rns because watching an actual p0rn for me is like watching a horror movie, so sometimes if I randomly heard a beautiful voice (men or women) I get sudden butterflies IDK WHY. I told this to my friends cause I thought I could trust and now they're making it seem like it's my whole personality t......

kosmo.dewey answered question about makes you go wow
RIGHT???? Also when the bottom's first time to do anal and they loved it right away???? people said it takes many times to get used to it like it will take months to actually enjoy bottoming
kosmo.dewey answered question about read 1000 manga or more
kosmo.dewey answered question about first kiss
kosmo.dewey answered question about first kiss
kosmo.dewey answered question about question
1. What is your name? Dewey 2. Favorite color? Pink 3. Favorite food to eat? Mcdonald's Ala king chicken fillet 4. What song have you recently had on repeat? "Detect my love" by Mysta Rias Favorite place to be at? Home 6. Do you wanna travel? Where to? Erm I'm not very a travel person cause I get motion sickness everytime but I would love to ......
kosmo.dewey answered question about have an unpopular opinion
still the same outgoing little kid
kosmo.dewey answered question about have an unpopular opinion
here's minee they don't have purple so I went on navy blue
kosmo.dewey created a topic of Manager Kim

Is it only me?? this manhwa loads too long unlike the other manhwa in this do I fix it??

kosmo.dewey answered question about question
Every yaoi manhwa that got popular around 2019-2020 I took a break of BL manhwa then I tried to re-read them and that hits me how bad they are
kosmo.dewey answered question about question
finally! someone who's relatable and actually stuggling with a realistic problem people will judge us for having a gigantic cock but they never knew what it feels to have a dick that's half of your body weight. Keep fighting, King!
kosmo.dewey answered question about question
This is the same thing I noticed too, there are male annoying and useless characters show up too but no one is coming for them. I get people hate unecessary romance in Action genre cause I do hate that too but the unecessary hate for female characters just because she's the love interest is crazy. For example in Solo Leveling, many readers hate Hae......