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Keiko-sama created a topic of Death Or Love

The end ? Non, I wanted more(/TДT)/ The uke and seme are so beautiful ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

What the heck am I looking at... ? I don't kink shame anything but I "heard" that eyeball licking is actually not hyegenic at all and can be very dangerous actually but I have no source and I'm really too lazy and uninterested to go look. Apart from that... so uke, feeling good while your man is beeing kinda tortured ? Heh. Cause those ceremonial paper are here to hurt him and not let him move I suppose ? Because I'm not so sure he's in a coma now, because he wouldn't be restricted like that if so.


What the fuck did you do to my seme you piece of shit ???? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ Can someone kill this white hair bitch ??? Nobody needs him ??? So unnecessary character ekhfljhbqflkqrbjglkqzurg ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Keiko-sama created a topic of Bye Bye

How can I say this, I read the last side story here and I saw uke was pregnant five month with Kkong, and first I really thought it was a bad dream of this poor uke who lost his child but then it's actually not, it's more like another time line, I get it but... am I the only one feeling sad about this x'D Like... it's almost cruel... but yeah, nothing much of course but it's just what I thought in the moment :')

Keiko-sama created a topic of Shuraba Maker

Wtf is that uke... I'm only in chapter 2 but, in chapter one uke """almost""" raped seme but I thought, well maybe it's just a bad yaoi start and it'll get better and then in chapter 2 uke bitch about seme in front of everyone like a dirty whore, that pissed me off so much and then the former sensei try to touch uke and seme defend him ????? HUM ? Sorry ? Have some respect for yourself because he has none for you, just go and live you life with someone you deserve. Ima stop here tho, this is not for me imo. ( ̄∇ ̄")

Keiko-sama created a topic of Saturday's Master

Me seeing the TG at the beginning : Oh, isn't it always non consensual anyway in this manhwa... ? I mean... he's always crying his eyes out for real here, not just *cUtE lIl' CrOcOdIlE tEaRs uwu" and I'm like, this manhwa is actually pretty disgusting... but knowing her other manhwa I'm like *it figures* then also see the TG "BDSM not like in real life* then it's just not BDSM x'D wtf are you saying ???? sigh.

Me seeing the F*CKING rape scene and I'm like OK BYE B*TCH !

Me who keeps reading : seme wants to force uke into penetration. PLEASE STOP THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. Uke please, I know you don't talk to much but even though he's (seme) a piece of shit, please tell him about the rape part ""maybe"" something will change IDK(/TДT)/ save yourseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelf !!

Keiko-sama created a topic of Profundis

I feel... so... damn, how should I say it ? It was both disgusting and hot ? Like... Idk how I feel right now. The psychology behind the act is disgusting but the act himself was hot... I don't know how to put it. And the "babe" thing too... I know my wonderful and strong baby uke wanted him to just stop but saying this really did the opposite effect right... ? And the seme saying "I love you too" at the end I think he have a mental problem fr... and the man's actually jealous toward his fellow comrades although he told them to fuck him, damn, such a shitty ass seme. And what of the next chapter... ? They seem to going at it again, will they still fuck... ? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Keiko-sama created a topic of Paper Flower

I read a lot of yaoi, maybe not all the most popular but damn, I never saw such a stuborn seme in my life til now... Gosh, man is so stubborn he KNOW he's in love but will never accept it... or at least not until something incredibly atrocious hapen... I thought maybe when uke was about to die in the fire I really thought it will trigger something in him, and it actually did, for the worst xD wtf... Man talking about uke saying "it" now... damn. But I think, in a sick way, he's even more in love now... I mean, look at it like I do, the more he love him the more he treat him like f trash, damn, that's so toxic, that's probably the most toxiv thing I ever read woah. But still, every chapter I feel so sad xD but I love the drawings so much, I love the sex scenes too, I mean not the way he treat uke but with the drawings, omg I really love how the coloring is done fr... but that shit's so toxic fr... sigh. Of course general is absolutely lovely but I'm not delusional so I'm just not thinking about him at all :')

Is this going to be longer ? I actually enjoyed everything exept the ten or so precedent chapters... I'm getting tired of crying at every chapter for this poor seme, my baby you're so perfect in every way and you suffer so much, ffs.

What the fuck are you saying you white hair whore ? Huuuuh ??? And uke, please, have some common sense and just refuse... I get it hurts, but man, everytime you feel bad don't just go cheat with someone else wtf xD

Keiko-sama created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

Oh my goood xD Baby uke stood up for himself ! I didn't thought he was like that but damn ! He can defend himself... First I thought the black hair was in a relationship with seme (a casual one) but I'm starting to think he's really a weirdo stalker... Well, I didn't like him anyway. We'll find out about that soon i guess.

Keiko-sama created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

What a rollercoaster... Whatever is everyone opinion I just want them to be happy please(/TДT)/ and I can't wait for the side stories OMG ! I was so afraid when I saw "see you next year for the side stories" I was like "wtf I might be dead!!!!" and I just remember it's next month nvm... I'm just dumb. Damn I just want to see their everyday life in the side stories... I'm a smut reader first and foremost but just this once... I'll accept peaceful days of their daily lives (▰˘◡˘▰)

Keiko-sama created a topic of My Suha

What the fuck is happening now ??? x'D helPPPPPPP (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Keiko-sama created a topic of Waterside Night

Thank you Seph for your patience and uploading here ! I'll wait patiently your next upload ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Keiko-sama created a topic of Profundis

I love this uke ! I already said it, but he never disapoint me ! He's so strong, I love him fr ! Everything is toxic of course but it's the only uke I actually look up to, not beeing weak and all even though he have all the reasons to because his life is shit omg... Poor uke I hope he'll be happy with his brother...

Keiko-sama created a topic of Aiyoku Heaven

Sorry, but I really hated it... Uke prostitute himself and struggle for it (which I actually understand alright and have compassion for him) but the relationship he and seme have is on another level of toxic for me, the kind of toxic who make me feel sick, to each their own I guess. I did read a lot of shit but this, I couldn't even fathom to hate something from this old school author but this... UGH. But I don't mind if someone like it, they have the right to, I'm just stating my mind here. :)

Keiko-sama created a topic of The Use of a Necktie

I think you made a mistake Juju, chapter 16 and 17 are the same in your uploads, I don't know if you noticed :D <3

Keiko-sama created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Maybe it's just me, but how can you dare make that kind of decision for a child ? Deciding for yourself that the child you bear remains secret because you decide it's not important for your partner... ? I can't even fathom such a thing. Please don't go telling me something like "but he's making this decision for seme" I actually don't care, he have no right to, the only decisions he can make regarding the childs are for himself and for himself only, not the other parent, never. You always have to talk to your partner for your children. Because they're the responsibility of both but maybe it's just me. Otherwise, I think the angst is comming xD, oh dear I'm not ready.

Keiko-sama created a topic of A Delicious Descendant

Huh... what the fuck is this ?? Is it suppose to be a love triangle AGAIN ??? Why is there a human now ? Noooo I was fine without him just go away Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

Keiko-sama created a topic of DEAREST

Why regret ?? xD Why do they always regret meeting the other person ?? Can't it be happiness for a change ? XD "I didn't know at that time, but this person will change my life forever and put happiness in my way" xD who read that, EVER ? It would actually be original... Anyway, the drawings are really good... it'll probably be heartbreaking, with lot of smut and lot of angst... well, like every other yaoi, yay. (Not "every yaoi" but yeah) I'll still read it tho, since I like the drawings very much :)