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Spring22 asked a question

A yaoi manga where teacher has a black hair and the student has a white hair. Student has a nonchalant vibe on him. They saw a white nonchalant cat at the back pf the room. Teacher thought it kinda look like the student. Student confesses but teacher rejected him. No Student kinda wait for the graduation to come to runaway and moved on from teacher.

Spring22 asked a question

uke likes reading bl mangas on rooftop and then seme saw him. they got close and so on. seme suddenly being cold after sleeping with uke saying something like "I wanna try sleeping with a man." uke ran away and then they meet again after many years coz they live in the same apartment complex.

Spring22 created a topic of Cry Me a River

He freaking looks so damn fine like bru look down on me too

Spring22 asked a question

Can anyone tell me the title of a manhwa which the mc is the princess. In her life she got ignored by her two brothers and the king (her father). I think she got back in her past idk but she wore red/black in her birthday.

Spring22 asked a question

Do u guys know any story about uke got hurt so he decided to sleep around? I choose angst today.

Spring22 created a topic of Jinx

Why mah heart is so doki doki at the last panel?

Spring22 created a topic of Nano Machine

And i said that this is only the historical manwha with a romance i can accept. And now im dropping it.

Spring22 created a topic of Limited Run

Me being so satisfied on every reaction seme is showing these recent chapters. Coz he be emotionless/poker faced in the start of the story.

Spring22 created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

His dad is srsly pissing me off togther with that bitch of a stepmother fucking shit. They can both go to hell for all i care. Ughhhhh what kind of father……

Spring22 asked a question

Recs abt Angst, chasing arc please

Spring22 asked a question

Do u guys know a uke=teacher/black hair and seme=student/white hair. And on the story there is a white cat that theyre feeding at the back of the school. Teacher also says that cat’s eyes looks the same with student. Seme confessed but got rejected.

Spring22 asked a question

Any of u guys remember the yaoi/bl manga that the characters has a superpowers. The seme is a white long haired with the power of water. The uke is getting a tan skin with his power (sorry i dont remember) there is a scene where the uke fell off the rooftop and the seme save him with his water power.

Spring22 asked a question

Any recommendations for bl/yaoi that has a runaway uke? Coz seme’s hurting him/taking uke for granted

Spring22 created a topic of Warui Yume

I want more stories like this…I know its cliche but “when it hurts, but it hurts so good.”

Spring22 asked a question

Did u guys know a bl/yaoi manga. Where uke is a teacher, has a black hair. while seme is a student, has a white hair and he always has this pokerface that seems like he doesnt care in the world.

Teacher describes seme like the white cat that they found beside or at the back of a classroom.

Anyways, uke rejected seme when he confessed. Seme waited for the grad day to finally ran faraway from the uke. Ugh…I think im telling the whole story here hahahahah

Can someone help?

Spring22 followed a list
Spring22 created a topic of Hotel Phryne

Omygawd. The most satisfying ending i have read.
Ps. Everytime seme pull a hyung and hug it as it was protecting him. Im falling......

Spring22 created a topic of Black Lotus

Everyone considered him as the coward of the county
He never stood one single time to prove the county wrong