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UGHH THEYRE SO CUTE AND IN LOVEEEEEE i just love them sm like wtf they’re just so sweet to each other </3


i can’t believe it ended so quickly idk i thought it was going to go on for a bit longer at least im so sad i loved them sm they’re so cute </3

i don’t even care about the childhood friend no more atp i’m attached to nanao and she deserves to be happy who even is the old friend i forgot her name

violetcore created a topic of High Pulse

that was so fucking stupid he’s dumb this whole manhua dumb i was rolling my eyes groaning reading this shit like how u break up with him over him saving u from SA and then go crying saying it’s for his own good ur a stupid hoe and seme shouldn’t even get back with ur dumb ass but SPOILERS ACCORDING TO OTHER COMMENTS this shit happens even more times after they get back together i just can’t i didn’t want to drop because i’ve come this far but i can’t put myself thru this torture

violetcore created a topic of Yagi the Bookshop Goat

super adorable and sweet i love the character designs especially of the wolf guy omg i was crushing ngl… just had to ignore the age gap and how old both were when they first met cuz it’s ????? um… but i just pretended it didn’t exist !!! it was easy since they look similar in age, they’re adorable and i love their dynamic when they’re adults so i’ll take that instead

they’re so cuteeee so happy we get to see more of them after they got together i hate when manga just ends after that </3

well that was fucking awful and painful to read ?? so unnecessary and weirdly done um…

if there’s really volume 2 and 3 someone PLEASE pick it up omg

violetcore followed a goer
03 08,2022
violetcore created a topic of Sora & Haena!

that girl with glasses gets on my mf nerves idgaf if she’s rude/mean but the fact that she thinks she has the right to isolate sora from ppl she loves and has this gross obsession over her is so annoying. i know she ain’t reacting badly cause she’s homophobic, it’s bc of her weird fixation on sora :|

i wanted to see more of the first couple :/


violetcore created a topic of My Princess Charming

i cant believe some people are saying min and her professor should be together,,,,, they are barely working out and have no chemistry that is so stupid. yuna and min have barely started to get to know each other, obviously their relationship won’t be perfect from the start but they are still way more interesting than min and her professor. yuna is also just way more interesting and has way more personality.

violetcore created a topic of My Princess Charming

min being with a professor is kinda off for me

i havent read many femdoms cause of how toxic and complicated some are but this one seems so cute already and i just want to get to the good part already where he learns to accept that he can be just as much of a man while getting done by a girl lol especially cause she wants it too :)