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anime_addict117's experience ( All 0 )

anime_addict117's answer ( All 3 )

bi trans guy here   3 reply
28 04,2019
My first anime was Vampire Knight and my first manga was Girl Friends   reply
16 04,2019
I would tell my younger self that things will be ok. I was a bit of an angry/depressed kid because I was so uncomfortable with myself (I'm ftm trans) and I'd tell my younger self to not worry so much because you will be able to transition and be happier. I'm now 1 year and 3 months on testosterone and so much more happy.   2 reply
09 03,2019

anime_addict117's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do made true friends

i havent made any friends that lasted for long, they usually tend to drift away whether it be physically or emotionally :')

2 hours
want to do discord server

Just do it

8 hours
want to do discord server


9 hours