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Kyon: How would you define our relationship?
*Lucaon.exe has stopped working*
2018-08-20 19:19 marked
Loool Katou telling Tojou that Tsuji is now he's property, meanwhile Toujo was thinking "oh really it's not like i care but good for you, because i just want my baby Sakisaka that's waiting for me at home" kyaaa it's been a while i love the main couple ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
2018-08-17 05:17 marked
Everyone hates him, but i love Kou
He is 35 and doesnt know what love is, ofcourse he is confused by what he is feeling because he treat love as plaything (I know, this is bad. Hes a fucking playboy. Lets slap him, but all his boys are all flings though). And when Shinobu shows up, he doesnt know that what he feels is real and he fuck up. Ive seen how he ponders his thoughts, and how he suffered because he lost the very first person he fell inlove with and i saw how he wanted him back. How sorry he is and how he slowly his helth deteriorate because of his loneliness. How determine Kou is to let Shinobu feel his real feelings for him and how trully sorry he.

Ofcourse I love Shinobu too, and i agree that Kou shoundt treat him the way how he did it knowing that he was brokenhearted. I salute him being strong and moving forward and having courage to forgive Kou and give him second chance.

As they says, everyone deserve second chances, but if kou fuck up for the third time. He desserve slap on the face and birds. But why cant people just enjoy the ending? In my opinion it was good, well done. Kou changes for Shinobu and Shinobu learned to move forward. This is what you call love, it has ups and down but at the end, you will always learned from your mistakes.
2018-08-17 04:55 marked
I find it interesting that upon finding out that Youngmin is supposingly engaging in prostitution, theiir first instict was to talk behind his back and spread the knowledge far and wide. Not talk to him and ask if he was okay, not to see if he was in trouble or he really needed money for some reason, not to try and understand the situation and see if they could be there for him while he was obviously going through a rough patch -- you know, like true friends would. Nah, they just instantly dropped him like a bad habit and started talking shit.

What great friends, huh? Seriously, if only Youngmin's good taste in boyfriends rubbed off on his friends somehow.
2018-08-15 03:31 marked
ok at first i was all like "WHAT A FUCKING BRAT,...I HATE THE UKE!!....HE'S SUFFERING MY ASS!!"...but then i realzed that he really is suffering T﹏T ... he has suck a sad story to tell...i feel so sorry for him, i commend the seme tho, he is so patient and such a loving guy....and they actually look cute together...the uke is extremely adorable and so i hope everything works out perfectly fine for them both.... can't wait for the update TvT


2018-08-07 13:45 marked
Agh Keita!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ ... Por qué tú -?! (╬ ̄皿 ̄) ... niño del diablo u.u ... Tod@s aquí queremos verlos follar >:v)9
2018-07-24 16:12 marked
The beginning chapters made this whole story so interesting and unique. I was rooting for Jinha x Siwon. Then midway, after that prick Lu Xuan was introduced, things started to go downhill. Now, the recent chapters are just fillers of a bad representation of BDSM and just...dragging out things. Maybe the author is trying to reach the 100 chapters mark? The whole BDSM segments, in my opinion, do not even serve to further the plot or contribute to anything. It feels like this story had a plot, but after dragging things out using Lu Xuan, the plot is slowly disappearing amongst fillers.

To be honest, at this point, Jinha deserves better. I am actually thinking he should go with someone else. How can Siwon be so dense?? It does not take more than 60 chapters to STILL not be sure of your feelings. Come on, Jinha was so sure of his feelings for Siwon when Siwon pushed him away and away and away.

I am sorry, I know the author means well, but I am losing patience with these dragged out fillers with Lu Xuan. It has become unnecessary. I am surprised this story is still ranked high on Lezhin at this point. ( ̄へ ̄)
2018-06-24 20:36 marked
So this is completed and they are married. I saw the picture of them laughing at their wedding on instagram and if you listen closely you won't only hear the sound of wedding bells but also the sound of me sobbing happily in a distance.
2018-06-05 04:03 marked
I feel like I'm going to get flamed for this but I can somewhat relate to Jaeha's feelings. I used to think that he's just a very selfish coward because of what he did to the people around him, until the author revealed what sort of life he's had. I feel bad for the both of them because they hurt each other, but more so for Jaeha because he pushed all those people who genuinely cared for him away and kept them at arm's length. Can you blame him for closing his heart after what happened with his first love? I know for sure that I can't, and his best friend's betrayal played a part in it - even if he didn't know about it - but he's already pretty much "damaged" at this point partly because of his childhood, and his parents' issues. Eunho never understood any of that, because the environment he grew up in was the total opposite. All he knew was of this hyung who stayed with him and was kind to him from time to time, and that they grew up together.

Call me a goddamn snowflake if you want but if I had to deal with the shit Jaeha went through, I'd be in an asylum for being homicidal.
2018-05-23 14:15 marked
I feel like so far this manga ALMOST gets to the point of exploring a really important and interesting subject that's rarely done (or at least rarely done well) in BL. Kiyou doesn't want to be gay, even though he's perfectly aware that he pretty much is. He wants so badly to be 'normal.' He's scared of being judged and singled out and rejected by those around him. I think it's an amazing moment when he thinks "If I accept him these will definitely be requited feelings," but he's scared and reluctant and unwilling and wants to run away, and he knows it. These are realistic feelings for some people, in situations like this.

I feel that Tsurugi's feelings and actions, and his frustration, are understandable in this sort of scenario too... But that gets kinda lost when he goes all psychopath crazy-eyes, clutching a tie and saying "I'll make it so you can't get away." Realism took a bit of a nose-dive for me there. If only the style wasn't BOOM! SUDDEN YANDERE! but instead was more upset, frustrated guy saying "Why won't you face me honestly" or something. Just a slightly different, less psycho vibe would have been great for me! And in my opinion, it wouldn't have taken anything away from what happened afterwards, just given Tsurugi a less unhinged feel right then (I don't even think he seems like a yandere in the bathroom stall... yet, I guess, next chapter may prove me wrong). I'm not a fan of yanderes. But hey, it's not my manga.
2018-04-29 13:21 marked
That, when akash i's explaining, you also follow. Hahahaha whose with me. Shit my liffeeee, what happened?!!
2018-04-29 02:49 marked
I feel like the length of time that passed after Jaeha's divorce is undervalued by most people. Eunho was understandably excited to finally win over Jaeha, but the pace their relationship was moving at was too fast. Not to mention the guilt Jaeha must have felt at the prospect of settling down with someone else when his ex-wife asked him if he ever actually loved her. That would almost be like a betrayal to all they shared. And Jaeha knew he was getting swept away by everything, knew he would be unable to turn down Eunho if given the opportunity to propose.

Jaeha is intent on repenting for all the accumulated hurt he's caused Eunho over the years and Eunho is taking advantage of the fact it's obvious that they're both still in love with each other. I love the emotional complexity to the struggles Jaeha and Eunho face as a couple: the interalized homophobia and emotional baggage Jaeha carries and Eunho's persistence on not letting him carry it alone. Eunho being willing to try to understand Jaeha despite everything and adamant that Jaeha is still worthy of love at the end of it all.
2018-04-18 14:20 marked
Karino likes Asuza period! In this manga everyone is twisted. With different ways to express their love also with different tastes of the characters that makes this more intriguing. The latest chapter indeed a cliffhanger. Hoping for more stories to come.
2018-04-18 13:52 marked
2017-05-26 05:55 marked
I dont get why people are like this is promoting rape culture if people enjoy the rape in this manga. I mean, what are you? 10? Maybe not all, buy I'm quite sure most of you aren't children or stupid to go like "hey its okay to rape in caste heaven so I can rape too!" You know what's right or wrong so what's wrong with enjoying a manga like this? Don't like the rape? Okay. Then you're here for the psychological plot. If you enjoy it, then you enjoy the entire story. That's it. Why make a big deal out of it? There's a difference between fiction and reality. I get it that there's rape in reality, but why do you have to relate it to a fiction? The rapist just rapes without thinking, or they're already mentally ill. I don't think they started raping after reading some rape in manga. There are Karino haters that hate him. Okay. That's your opinion. And there are those who just enjoys the manga. Okay. Good for you. Just either accept it that this author has a tendency to include twisted characters in her manga. It's her choice. It's a fantasy. If you really can't accept it and it tramples on your mentality, then you either skip those scenes or just don't read altogether.
2017-05-24 04:21 marked
You know what? I just read this before an hour they updated it
I enjoy searching for what I have read for the past month(alert:bad english)
And so I discover this back again.
And read it.....
Thinking "its such a shame a great sex scene is not getting translated"
god has heard my plea
But I dont think you guys care hahahahah ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
2017-05-14 13:38 marked
I usually have trouble reading priest stories, (I'm catholic) I feel like my conscience is hitting me from side to side but boiiiii IM SORRY LORD FOR I HAVE GREATLY SINNED BUT THIS MANGA IS SO DAMN CUTE ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
2017-05-03 15:32 marked

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