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Adrhhhhs created a topic of Forget Cleaning!!
Adrhhhhs created a topic of Jinx

Aiming season 2 for this year ?!?!?!?!?!?!? Wtf

Adrhhhhs created a topic of Jinx

Hopefully the new season doesn't take too long to update.

Adrhhhhs created a topic of Jinx

Why are the chapters so short and the waiting time for a new release so freaking long, there’s honestly no progress making all that time waiting useless.

I hope that we start seeing some progress and development in their relationship, each chapter is honestly the same thing and very short plus all the time waiting for a chapter to drop is disheartening.

Adrhhhhs created a topic of Mary Jane

Why are the lightsabers back :/

Adrhhhhs created a topic of Jinx

A bit disappointing, each chapter takes so long to update and they’re not that long to read, there’s no even a development in their relationship.

Adrhhhhs created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

A bit disappointed with the ending, would’ve hoped for them to live together, ending felt kinda rushed.

It’s a bit disappointing that every chapter is so short