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Lazyassbtch like question

I was never into manhwa a few years back cuz I found most of them to just be smut with no plot. Literally smut 5 chapters in a row. But because more and more manhwa were uploaded and the entire popular pages now ONLy consisted of manhwa, I have to change my taste and adapt. Now that I'm used to the format of manhwa for 3 or 4 years, will I have to go back to mainly reading mangas/manhua from now on... Anyways, I've been reading on this site for 7 years or so now. I don't want this to be another case of mangarock.
Better to just remove the korean bls, they're not targeting that many stories. I still want to read my reincarnated female lead stories on this site. Let's go back to finish uploading the unfinished jpn bls. It's been forever since sekaiichi hatsukoi, honto yaju, Koisuru Boukun and all the OGs were updated. We'll be old and these stories will be left forever unfinished on this site at this rate.

Lazyassbtch like the answer
BJ alex is dry. there I said it it's dry. also Blood Bank is underrated Painter or the night is overhyped. Killing stalking is NOT A LOVE STORY
Lazyassbtch followed question about tried to kill yourself

And I'm not talking about BJ Alex, Painter of the Night, Killing Stalking, Love is an illusion etc, like I'm pretty sure we are all aware those are trash fests but entertaining. You know what people dont talk about enough how BAD cherry blossoms after winter is....... there I said it. That manhwa fills me up with an irrational amount of hatred jus......

25 08,2021
Lazyassbtch like the answer
Lazyassbtch like the answer
I think we all have to acknowledge that it’s 100% valid that these artist are wanting their works down/not wanting them on free websites. Taking that in, I believe the popularity will somewhat decrease if mangago leaves since it’s just a famous site lmao and I HOPE everyone/most that are using this free website cannot afford to buy these storie......
Lazyassbtch like the answer
I mean yeah I've seen about two minions on here and there's probably more but I doubt they're gonna get mangago taken down, this site has gone through a lot of shit y'all don't forget that
Lazyassbtch like the answer
at this point, i'm starting to want those manhwas out here. i dont give a fucking fuck anymore, bring back the peace this site once had.
Lazyassbtch like the answer
Bruh there's still many sites like Manga owl , Manga Toon and more and there is a damn many amounts of shounen Ai manga's
Lazyassbtch like the answer
Yall this is up to the creators of the site we the users can't do shit about it and I doubt the admins will make a new site since this one is so popular and generates so much money So calm your titties down
Lazyassbtch like the answer
I just had an idea taking mangago down for a week until the authors would thought they did it, and then mangago will come backk-
Lazyassbtch like the answer
Lazyassbtch followed question about question

Talking about delaying shit and posting pics with her middle finger on the screen LMFAO I love that woman sm. Also did mangago turn off the comments on painter of the night?

25 08,2021
Lazyassbtch like the answer
YD is fuckin mad. No level of mentally fucked can make byeonduck be like YD
Lazyassbtch like the answer
Pfft..ikr? I hate this did they just got influenced by yd or is this plague gonna spread like hell...
Lazyassbtch created a topic of True Education

Fvck! From start to the end of the chapter, the corner of my mouth are stretched up to my temples HAHAHAHAHA every panel is SOOOOO SATISFYING!!!!! I hope there's a teacher like this. Recently, a Korean student suicide because of bullying and Korea is trying to cover it up. I hope his family gets justice for his death. AND I HOPE THIS KIND OF TEACHER DO EXIST. Thank you, uploader!

Excuse for my bad english HAHAHAHA

Lazyassbtch created a topic of Siren's Song

Y'all guys don't really understand why Yul's being like that. If y'all are in his shoes, will you change immediately? If someone imprisoned you for how many years and managed to get out recently, will you get matured immediately? No, Yul is just scared and traumatized because of what happened but he's trying to change. Yes, he's childish so what? He'll not be like that if his Hyung (I forgot his name) didn't imprison him. So stop bitching. If you want to drop, then drop it y'all don't know how to appreciate a masterpiece.

Lazyassbtch created a topic of The Alpha's Bride

Please someone pick this up

Lazyassbtch created a topic of Anti Alpha

Seriously? This manga can't be finished because the uploader keeps on deleting it then uploading it again (I don't know if it's the main uploader or somebody else) When will this manga be finished? The other day, it already had 9 chapters but they deleted it again.