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La La La La La created a topic of Eleceed

uncle pluton is a nice guy

La La La La La created a topic of Jinx

i can't wait to see him getting humbled when dan went mia after he leaves him. i wanna see his face saying "find kim dan" and then no one can. oh granny if only u would just yknow dan can run farther away from that ahole

La La La La La created a topic of Eleceed

first: the romance is nice but i would be nicer if there its not there, but i could just ignore it and go on since it is only shown like a little bit every other chapter

second: momma and daddy kayden and kartein are so supportive and proud i love them so much uncle doggie is confused tho lmao

third: i still want this kid to be a member of their squad, i see the vision, please be a member of the squad

fourth but not the least: wdym they're not siblings they're TWINSSSS they look so much alike except this kid looks like the aggressive twin and jiwoo looks like the shy nice twin

currently @ ch55 ang bobo nung top nanggigigil ako ang bobo UGHHHAHDJDKSDHWKEJ

i am currently at chapter 45, tell me their relationship improved on chapter 90 because im dropping if it did not

La La La La La created a topic of Nerd Project

the only bad thing i can say abt this manhwa is that it's not long enough yet because i need more. also, ml's father, that fucking stalker, stacey and the nepobaby director are all a bitch

La La La La La created a topic of Eleceed

if jiwoo's mother wasn't introduced, i'd think jiwoo is kayden and kartein's love child. not that it matter rn tho cuz he's already their adopted child lmao

La La La La La created a topic of Eleceed

oohhhh we have a new pet last chapter and a new squad member this chapter

La La La La La created a topic of Jinx

I think we're nearing redemption arc, and i'm all for it's a whole season long, i don't mind the wait just make him suffer longer than any other ml because he's the worst out there. not including the real psychos tho, but he's almost there.

La La La La La created a topic of Limited Run

the amount of arts drawn by other artists, she's got a big circle

La La La La La created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

can't we hate a villain because he's the villain? i mean the nature of their relationship is necessary to be seen, but this will not stop me from getting my nerves popped every time there's a panel of him.

La La La La La created a topic of Eleceed

poor jisuk, traumatized by jiwoo's talking pet

La La La La La created a topic of Nerd Project

i wished he used a real gun so he could also screw his father's image even more, two birds with one stone howver consequences and traumas would be far heavier

La La La La La created a topic of Nerd Project

""ssibal" what does it mean?" "calm down..." LMAOOOO


im at the first chapter, this manhwa caught my attention because from the cover and the features i see that that art style is the same as "turn off the camera!" after first chapter i'm convinced so imma continue plussss it's in the murim settingssssssss

La La La La La created a topic of Eleceed

I KNEW IT, like it's about time we get some puppy. but also this is so fitting for their characters, literally and figuratively, they really are cats and dog lmaooooo poor puppy tho, just passing by but victimized by another muscle head

La La La La La created a topic of Eleceed

another catttttt I LOVE ITTTTTT

La La La La La created a topic of Eleceed

are we getting another cat awakener?