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madi created a topic of Debut or Die

I need spoilers. Wdym Gold 2 is an important character for later????? What is his role!!! Pls spoil me

I have never been this attracted to someone’s brother. HAND IN MARRIAGE PLEASE

madi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

My heart broke in pieces when I realized that’s the last chapter updated

madi created a topic of Profundis

Wow… they’re all sick in the head.


It was so random to put them in a love triangle. I mean.. in the first few chapters, Fior or whatever his name was (it kept changing) didn’t even show a sign that he might or was already falling for FL. It would’ve been make sense for him to “romantically” like FL if it was already stated in the first few chapters but it wasn’t. He was literally the first one to realize FL is ML’s newest obsession and was always third wheeling. Idgi. Making him the 2nd ML for the plot is really stupid and ridiculous. I would’ve loved it more if he only liked her platonically.

She’s so damn dense but she’s so me fr. He’s been honest to her with his feelings but she just

I miss the old jisung art style pls

madi created a topic of I’m Not That Kind of Talent

I still cried so hard even though I knew he’ll die. I read the spoilers and cried my heart out for this two. My heart hurts so bad but I’m glad Deon did what he had to do after Cruel’s death.

madi created a topic of The Player Hides His Past

TBHHHH now is your chance to sleep, brother.

madi created a topic of The Player Hides His Past

If enemy, why hot

I need more mannnnnnn

madi created a topic of The Player Hides His Past

Man, I just started to get really interested in Kerun because of the cute barbarians saying Homen smells like him. :(

Can somebody please spoil me who or what her mom is? And what is their relation with lilith?

I’d be so pissed if having a child is not part of my plan lol

They’re both twisted in their own way, I love it. There’s my twisted couple.

Literal tears. This is so beautiful, please. I love them.

I thought this was a gl, I had to check multiple times but mfs w dicks just had to ruin it

I want the emperor to grovel. Let that mf get what he deserves. I want the empress to file a divorce then the emperor will be regretful and will chase after her then punish all those mfs who made the empress suffer. Fuck them all.

madi created a topic of I Don't Want to Work!


Another manhwa with a good plot and good translation in the FIRST few chapters and now it’s fucked up bc of mistranslations