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iok.2 asked a question

I need come completed romance manga recs preferably a gl or just straight w josei for both. I don’t mind lists either

iok.2 asked a question

I need come completed romance manga recs preferably a gl or just straight w josei for both. I don’t mind lists either

iok.2 asked a question

looking for a good Gl/Yuri to read, i’d love if it’s completed (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

iok.2 asked a question

can someone recommend me some coming out stories like “ mom, i’m gay” and “ my son is probably gay”


iok.2 asked a question

could somebody give me the link for the manwha named scandal its not a bl or a gl. i literally cant find it

iok.2 asked a question

cute completed yaois please

iok.2 asked a question

some straight love manga what say their ongoing but actually completed

iok.2 asked a question

can someone recommend me a story where the fl is dark skinned/tan and please don’t recommend me peach girl, that story stresses me out

iok.2 asked a question

can someone recommend me a story based on a single dad with a daughter

iok.2 asked a question

single mom recommendations please

iok.2 asked a question

any gl where the mc is having problems coming out to their family, i want to read something like that

iok.2 asked a question

could you guys please recommend me some good bls, some of your favourites or some that your are going to read soon that u heard was good also can they be short stories like 10 chapters the longest

iok.2 asked a question

i wanna read something that will leave me sobbing after i finish reading it so can someone recommend me some sad non bl/gl stories that i can read

iok.2 asked a question

could someone recommend me a bl where the two are friends and one of them is in love with the other, and then in the end they end up together

iok.2 asked a question

could you guys tell me some sl hidden gems that i can read?

iok.2 asked a question
iok.2 asked a question

could y’all recommend me some really depressing shit, i’d prefer if it was a manga.