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Alternative_Account created a topic of Love Jinx

It's just... I do like possessive male leads but... I feel weird about this. It's scaring me, it seems toxic, and I don't like it. Buttt... There's this stupid thing in my head telling me to continue reading it and see how it goes, and I'm much more stupid cus I listen to it anyway.

How old is Lewellyn and Shavonne? Is their age ever mentioned? I remember it mentioning Shavonne was 28, so... How old is Lewellyn then? I'm confused.

Alternative_Account asked a question

Hello everyone!
I am promoting this website:
It can be very helpful for us, especially to people having a hard time in life! But, people who are also having good times in life, you can also use it too! Everyone can use it, it's full of wonderful messages, messages of people venting, messages of people giving motivational speech, and humorous messages! It can you your venting space! You will be anonymous and people will not find out who you are! Also, it is a very kind place.. The website is going to self-destruct in 24 hours, if no one, not a single person write on it for a day. And a lot of people are keeping it alive, by writing anonymous messages on it. It has been running for 14 months already! So, if you have something to vent or say, don't be scared, shy or nervous. This website will be your venting space and buddy. It's safe to use! Oh, and you can also read what other people has written on it.
So yeah, if you want a venting space, Go to the website (link on top) and vent anything off your chest!
Have a wonderful day, everyone!

LMAOOOO Granny, Gio doesn't give 2 f*ucks about you or Leegang!! Stop being delusional about him wanting revenge and sh*t and let's put you back in bed, for a longgg time.

Alternative_Account asked a question

Hi, Soo... Can someone please list or tell me sites where I can watch free Netflix series & movies and kdramas? Look, please do t report me to Mangago admins for this non-manga related question but I'm desperate! I really wanna watch "Mr. Queen" because it keeps popping in my Fb watch but I don't know any sites to watch the full episodes. Please lists me or tell me some sites to watch Netflix series, movies, and some kdramas. I already know alot of anima sites but right now, that's not what I'm looking for.

Thanks so much in advance!!

Alternative_Account asked a question

Hi, please recommend your favorite manhwa. Any genre is fine, and no matter how many of them. Well... I'm only looking for Manhwa tho, but I guess Manga and Manhua are fine too.

Thanks in advance~

Alternative_Account asked a question

Hello, please recommend something where there's some wholesome, true, friendship vibes. It's kinda like this... Original genre is Romance, BL or anything (slice of life, comedy maybe) but when one friend is suffering from something, all of them will do their very best for that suffering friend. Or the friendship bond is strong whenever and they hung out a lot. I just finished the latest update of "Who can define popularity?" And it just made me so overwhelmed and amazed on how amazing their friendship is, helping one friend from hardships. So yeah, Original genre is about having lovey-dovey relationship but they have friends with strong friendship bond.

My bad if it's a bit too long, and thanks in advance~

The characters, the glowing art, the good-processing plot, ALL OF THEM ARE SO GOOD!!
My favorites are each character's personality, and their friendship!!! It feels so good that if one of them is feeling down, the others will do the best they can to cheer them up! Especially when they helped Siwon with those stupid *ss rumor spreaders! That creepy stalker and Yujin got what they deserved!! Currently, my favorite scene is when Hoon doesn't know how to read a room and started defending and yelling at Yujin for spreading those b*tchy *ss rumors about Siwon, and when Bawoo helped Yoonjun expose the ugly *ss stalker. It was sooo satisfying!!!

Alternative_Account asked a question

Hello, please just.. Recommend anything. I mean, anything at all, I'm so bored since it's finally vacation from school, and I can't pick anything to read.
So, the preference are:
• Manhwas only. Idk, it's my favorite of all M/M/M's
• BL (Yaoi, Shounen Ai, but preferably Shounen Ai)
• Psychological, Thriller, Action, Horror, Sci-fi, Adventure, Fantasy, Supernatural (Anything that gives thrills and excitement)
• Romance, Shoujo (No historical tho, maybe school setting, modern, or office)
• Fluff, Slice of life, comedy (Something cute and funny, hehe)
• Or maybe just your favorite manhwa, or anything to recommend. I'm too picky for anything, even when reading something.

So, yeaahh.. Thank you in advance!!

Alternative_Account asked a question

Hello, please recommend some puppy seme with a pinch of being possessive or a little jealous.
An example is "The Keystone Romantic Combination"

Thanks in advance~

Alternative_Account asked a question

Heartbreaking BL's
Preferably Shounen Ai so it will be more focused on the relationship progress and plot but I guess yaoi is fine too.

Thanks in advance~

Alternative_Account asked a question

Hello, please recommend something where the ML is possessive or a yandere. Mostly prefer for Romance or Shoujo this time, but I guess any genre is fine. Bonus is there's a side FL/side ML who also likes the Main FL.

An example is:

Thanks in advance~

Warning: Some cursing

The people in the comments saying Gio is being manipulative are stupid asf. They be saying, "We ARE trying to understand him! He's being so manipulative!" But then doesn't actually understand that Gio has trauma, insecurities, and is scared. Like, be honest, really? Are y'all just stupid or can't really understand wtf is he going through? If ya keep saying sh*t like Gio is being a manipulative b*tch, then I don't even know if we've both read the same story. Y'all saying he's not supposed to act like that is like saying he should not be insecure and stop giving a damn about his trauma. So, stop comparing him to Director Park and other toxic mfs you can think of just because y'all are used to seeing that sh*t, and actually try to read and understand Gio's situation. That's all, and good day.

Ppl who kept saying they've read the raws and don't tell other ppl what happened when they're asking, just please stop commenting "I've read the raws and everything is painful." If you're just going to ignore them. Doesn't seem like ya have plans on telling them, and just want to make them curious to get ignored.

Gio left for the business trip, and because of that, Felix was a little sad that they fought before leaving. He was bothered by it especially on lunch time so he tried to search "Fought with my lover, what to do?" But Leegang saw him so he got shocked and didn't really get to finish writing the sentence. Felix kept thinking about how he misses Gio, so he wore his (Gio's) pajamas. He drank a lot of beer because it was already their 1st anniversary but they weren't even together. Gio was going to call Felix but he was worried because he thought Felix is already asleep and he might bother him but Felix called instead. He kept going on and on about how he misses Gio, and then he said if he wears the bunny costume, will he come back? Felix asked "If I wear this... Then will you come back here? I'm already wearing it, so where are you?.. I really miss you, so come here already." Gio thought it was reallyy cute hearing Felix say that, and act all cute of the phone. On top of that, he's blushing since Felix said that he's wearing the bunny. But... Don't get y'all's hopes up, he's only wearing the headband and the tail but he'll also wear them full set on chapter 134 (when Gio comes back). So continuing, they had this seggs talk, which Felix started because he started masturb@ting, while calling Gio's name and yearning for it. Gio got turned on, of course, and started doing it too. Then, after they got off each other, Felix tried to talk about their fight, and they both apologized for it. The next day, Felix and Leegang met because they were recycling. Leegang saw that there were a lot of empty beer bottles and soju bottles so he asked Felix if he had gone broken up with Gio. Felix got confused and said "Huh?! Who's breaking up?" Leegang said, "Isn't that why you were drinking a lot?" And Felix replied "No one's breaking up!" They were pretty cute, joking around each other. And then Leegang showed Felix the test results and it came positive. Leegang and Gio really are biological brothers. Felix asked Leegang if he also gets too cold but Leegang replied "But isn't it normal to get too cold these days?" Considering his answer, he looks like he doesn't have a clue about the "Can't feel heat" condition. So Leegang told Felix on how his "Hyung" is a dead man (It's cus the grandma gave Gio away, even without the parents knowing and announced him as a dead man). But Felix said "But, he's clearly alive!" And then grandma decided to knock on the door and disturb their talk. Leegang told Felix to hide the papers and talk about it some other time, so Felix left and Granny came. She gave Leegang some weird Shaman paper, and told him to put it in his purse (for good luck or sh*t, whatever this woman thinks) and then she held Leegang's cheek and said "You know that I love my grandchildren, right? I'm doing this because I want the best in you." (Oh really, b*tch??) And then she left. I think nothing happened after that, and then the next day happended. The chairman visited their (Felix and Gio's) team and team leader presented a presentation. Felix was a bit awkward and shy around the chairman so he kept staring at him. When the chairman and him accident made eye contact, he averted his eyes. Then they all went home. But Felix's lights were on, there were another shoes he saw, and he excitedly said "Giovanni?! Are you here?" And thenz no one answered, so he thought "what... Was I mistaken? But he said he'll be back in 3 days..." And indeed, Giovanni was back! He was in the shower and then came out. Felix rushed to him and hugged him. But he didn't seem be finished yet so he kissed Giovanni and said "Not yet, I want more." And then what? BOOM, the full set bunny suit. Felix finally wore it. He was really really shy about it and kept covering his face but Gio, that bold mf, He pulled the net on Felix's legs and went boom boom. Honestly, I cannot comprehend how beautiful Felix looked like. He looks a bit teary due to pleasure and kept on saying, "I was waiting for you, to hold me like this.." because of that, Gio got turned on more and blushed. I honestly do not remember what happened after that, or maybe nothing happened at all... So, Felix made a reservation so Gio and Leegang can talk. But they weren't saying anything. Just, deep silence and staring at each other. So, Danny also said they need to meet up to talk about Gio's check up. Felix thought it was a good idea to let Danny join in so there won't be anymore silence. So they went to a beer place, and guess what? Danny got drunk before even saying anything! So, Danny kept saying how stubborn Gio is and to stop his stubbornness so people around him won't worry, especially Felix. But when Felix tried to stop Danny, he loudly shouted "You... Son of a b*tch!" Felix got really shocked. But Danny just laughingly said "Did you know?! Felix! That you named his contact name like that! Kekeke, I saw it in the hospital." While repeatingly patting Leegang's back aggressively, like c'mon man, My boi Leegang just wants to eat some shrimp. Gio looked at Felix and said "Are you sure?.. That's a naughty thing to do." And Felix exclaimed "It was long ago! A long time ago!" And then when it was finally peace for Gio and Leegang to talk, (Felix and Danny are asleep) Leegang decided to break the silence. "Giovanni Yoon" (sounds good, it doesn't sound that bad) "Do you remember you old name? Or the family member that abandoned you?" Then Gio quickly thought of the Grandma but didn't say anything. He was a bit nervous so he held Felix's hand, and then spoke firmly on how he doesn't want or doesn't have any intentions to get involved with Leegang's Family and left with Felix. When they got home, I think he ordered Secretary Kim to send Danny and Leegang home because he told Felix he sent everyone home. Felix was a bit drunk and said "That's good, what a good boy." And Gio said "That's all? If I'm going to get rewarded... Shouldn't I get rewarded with not just words?.." But Felix was completely ignoring what he said and kept staring onto Gio's hair. He remembered the photo Leegang showed where Gio was just a small child with a cute apple hair. He decided to tie Gio's hair like that, and said "I'm doing this because you called me a bunny~!" And Gio asked "Is this you revenge?.. For how long am I going to keep it like this?" And Felix answered "Then... Until tomorrow morning?" Gio just went along with it. Now to Leegang, when Leegang got home, he thought of the times when he was a child. When he and his family went on vacation, and Leegang got hurt because he wanted to play outside. When he got home, his grandma yelled and scolded Leegang's father because they let Leegang got hurt. Baby Leegang said "I'm sorry dad... You got scolded because I wanted to play outside." And then his dad said "It's alright.. Don't think much of it." So he decided to just play indoors and he liked it more like that. He saw a picture of his Hyung (Gio) and decided to put it next to him while playing. He thought "If you were alive, Hyung, then we would be able to play together!" And then he fe asleep. When he woke up, he saw the Shaman (actually a woman) and Grandma talking to each other (They are good friends) and the Shaman asked "So... How is that child doing?" Granny said "What? Where did this came from?" Shaman asked "Nothing, I just suddenly thought of it.." and then, Leegang overhead Shaman and Granny talking about how Granny sent Gio to overseas and is clearly alive. Leegang thought "So... Hyung is alive this whole time?... And he was sent away because of me?" A little tear fell from Leegang's eyes. "When I grow up, I'm going to find you, Hyung.." Thus end of childhood flashback. Leegang did find him, but at what cost? Gio doesn't want to be part of the family anymore and that was a long time ago. He crumpled the Shaman paper that his Grandma gave said "Too much affection... Sometimes... It's poisonous." And went to bed. I honestly feel bad for Leegang because of this but he keeps keeping a straight face so who knows what's going on on his mind? I forgot to mention this, so... When Felix and Danny were talking about how stubborn Gio is and won't do the procedure, Felix said he wanted to try it without Gio knowing and Danny agreed. And so, that was the plan they had, just the two of them. Continue, so the next day, when Gio went for check up, Danny said his condition is not well and need further experiments. And Gio quickly catched up and said "Danny... Just who are you planning this with?" Danny almost lost his cool and went nervous mode. But he kept it up. Gio thought that Leo and Danny had planned this (Well, he was close enough) And he decided to call and let Leo know about it. Leo was really shocked when he heard it and made a fuss, Noah too. He kept on saying "Daniel, don't diee~!!" And Gio said "Who's going to die?" When they got home, his suspicions of Leo and Danny teaming up was cleared because he thought Leo's expression was too real. And then when Gio came back to the hospital, he said he needs to come every 2 weeks to monitor his condition. Gio refused at first because he just thinks it's bothersome, but when Danny said "Let me call Felix to let him know about it." And Gio said "No no, you don't need to do that. I'll do it, okay?" He thinks Felix is going to worry about him again.. So the meeting ended quickly because Gio also agreed quickly, which made Danny confused on why he was obedient that time and wasn't stubborn. On the way out, he bumped on a man. And that man was his biological father! The kind father said "Oh, it's the handsome young man who signed the leash!" (Talking about Gio buying the apartment for Felix) and then Granny saw because Granny was with him! Boom, Granayy, ya scared? When Gio and his biological father said goodbyes, he just passed through his grandma and didn't said a word nor batted an eye on her. Granny was frozen and wouldn't move. Seems like they were there because Granny has a cold. So, next, it is actually a time skip Soo... Danny and Felix was contacting each other, letting each other know if there were some changes, and then Gio celebrated Felix's birthday, and then after 3 months, Felix bought some coffee, as usual, and gave one to everyone. When he gave Gio his coffee, Gio said "The coffee is good because it's moderately hot" and then he got shocked. "Did I just felt... That the coffee was hot?" Is this it?! Is the procedure finally working?! Gio finally has the chance of getting cured!

And End of the spoilers. So I just summarized chapter 131-138 and this is it. It's reallyyy long so have fun reading all the spoilers. Sireu-nim also said that once she finishes drawing up to chapter 140, there will be a 2 month hiatus for season 2 part 1 and will continue after 2 months for season 2 part 2. That's all, enjoyy~!

Alternative_Account answered question about question
15Billion / Ham and cheese. Smileee, hehe. Tng ene me, cge leng. Ipegpeteley me yeng keterentedehen me.

10% Oh... Now I understand why's it called Hold me Tight....

Alternative_Account created a topic of Mad Dog

HARIBO'S MANHWAS CAN LITERALLY GIVE ME EVERY EXCITEMENT EVER. Sexual tension, thrills, excitement, butterflies, silent screams, amazement, EVERYTHING.

This is going to be a tough season since Gio doesn't want to communicate about his problems... Not to mention the "grandma" like, get that olddy outta here!

Alternative_Account asked a question

Haven't been feeling horny for almost a month now. Haha, wth???