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crustyasslips created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

Damn I knew Maetel was fucked up, but I didn't think he was THIS fucked up! Like god damn you just done raped your baby daddy. I am very disappointed in you someone call a therapist and the police sucka needs some help looking like a fucking yandere in some of those scenes.

crustyasslips followed question about skipping class

Whats the most insulting or offensive compliment you've gotten?

26 06,2021
crustyasslips followed question about semen or uke

Search up 'straight boys' on google, and then click images!

24 06,2021

eating popcorn is gay (it's a busted nut) playing 2k is gay (why you designing your dream man?) Loving a girl is gay (that's her father's sperm dude) looking in the mirror gay (why are you looking at a man for so long?) being gay is gay (why are you gay?) eating a banana ( ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ ) watching straight porn (Why are you watching a men p......

24 06,2021
crustyasslips created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

Ok but seriously its time for me to learn some fucking spanish.

crustyasslips created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

When Maetel was talking about the baby he said the word HIM how he know the baby a him?

crustyasslips asked a question

Have any of y'all ever read BL or GL with someone? Like I read some BL and GL with my ex-bestfriend when we had a sleepover like we read this one GL webtoon we both like because it updated and then we read a kagehina fanfic. I've also read yaoi with one of my friends on discord.

crustyasslips followed question about stuck my cock in a blender
23 06,2021
crustyasslips created a topic of Greed

This is the first time I've made a disgusted face while reading yaoi. No offense this just ain't it for me.

crustyasslips asked a question

I have never had a crush on anyone in my life nor have I felt a sexual or romantic attraction towards someone. So when I get asked if I like anyone or if I'm lesbian (I guess I look lesbian or something idk) I just don't know what to say because I have no idea what my sexuality is. I do think that some people are good looking, but I don't think of them sexually or romantically I just think that they're not ugly you know. Though I do act gay in a sense like how guys will act gay with their friends and shit that's basically what I do like I will flirt with my friends as a joke if that makes sense.

I thought this story was going to turn out so differently. Like this had a lot of potential, but in the end the way it was wrote and paced just ruined it. Though don't get me wrong, its still a good story it just could have been way better.

Like imagine the omega training and becoming badass and if they had explained the fact that they can't be together earlier in the story and they got in an argument and took a break. And during the break the alpha regrets things that happened in their relationship and feels guilty and angry at himself and then they resolve the problem and get back together.

Then they try to think of a way that they can be together, but the omega realizes that it isn't possible because if he ran away with him it would just ruin things for the alpha. And the omega slowly starts to think that he is just holding him back so, he runs away from the school with the other omega (sorry I'm confused with the names they keep changing them) so they can make their own choices.

And then police come to the alphas school because they suspect that he could have took him but he didn't and had no idea he had run away and is devistated and tries looking for him and then later finds a letter in his drawer that the omega left him. Then in the end the
alpha never finds him and lives the rest of his life missing him and wishing he could have changed things and wishing that the world wasn't so unfair and that maybe he'll meet him in his next life and that they'll finally be together or for y'all people who don't like sad endings they end up together and live happily every after yay... Damn i just made a whole god damn plot is this even the same story?

I still want to know how old everyone is because this lookin pretty illegal, but in this story I think the legal age is 15 because that's when omegas are chosen by rich old men so it's probably normal in the story to have big age differences in couples but in the real world that shit illegal and the dudes 12 and already lost his virginity I would say that's not normal but a couple years ago some dude in my class railed a 5th grader and got her pregnant so... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

crustyasslips followed a goer

Actually dead

22 06,2021

Forget the seme I started simping for the monster energy drink since chapter 1

crustyasslips like the answer
Just another Tuesday