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Lix created a topic of Be My Baby

I can't with these two

Lix created a topic of Conditions of a Guide

Wrong updated chapter

Lix created a topic of Between us (Noru)

I'm not a fan of this third sort of side couple. The boss guy really annoys me with his beaten abuse of employees for such petty reasons. It's way too realistic in that Sense . And I hate his character

Lix created a topic of Love Strongly, Surprise!

I love they don't drag things out like other stories. Communication is a key aspect in any relationship.

Lix created a topic of Tipping Point

My heart breaks for him but yeah you really can't force your feelings on people

Lix created a topic of High Clear

One of the most wholesome couples in recent stories

As someone who plays games how tf is he going to beat anyone as a healer class?

Lix created a topic of Tipping Point

I wish our cute little puppy all the best in getting his man

Lix created a topic of Be My Baby

Two dumbasses clearly in love but the dumbness just rides their asses like a toxic yandere seme on a jealous bend

Lix created a topic of Honto Yajuu

First author I truly love all work from

Lix created a topic of Look at Me (Tansan)

I'm dying of the sweetness ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Lix created a topic of Just Like You

So much sugar sweetness. Happy bubbles everywhere

Lix created a topic of Love Letter Lyrics

MC is literally everyone's favorite chew toy that they use however and whenever they feel like

Lix created a topic of Between us (Noru)

It's taking way too long for Inha's anoyin boss to discover the fact that he already has a committed bf who is not the coworker

Lix created a topic of Dirty High

Another one that's all about smut, a little relationship drama rather than actual realistic relationship, emotional and mental health issues.

Lix created a topic of Unmei no Omega

I hate cheaters and the whole trying to normalize cheating because you regret it after the fact still rubs me the wrong way

I'm just going on a wild guess by saying that ML is a total red flag who probably couldn't handle MC rejecting him and now is causing all this trouble for him.

Lix created a topic of Camping

Cute and surprisingly wholesome smut