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"what do you want, soho?" I wanna fuck you so bad, I want you to mess my insides, grind, pounce me so hard to the point my system will get an error, fill me up until there's a circuit coming out of my body, break my body until you're satisfied

Lmao he passed out after touching the dick

choco flavoured d*ck created a topic of Silent Lover

"I've already lower myself to you, why can't you forgive me?" Bro's being manipulative

Me whenever I eat at expensive restaurants

choco flavoured d*ck created a topic of Backlight

Can he at least act like a fucking grown adult!? Act like your age blonde bitchy hole

Ml liked projecting his backstory so bad

Wiat in the og story, hyeol become obsessed with kotsu. I just realized something. Kotsu looks like hyeol's father (current mc) like imagine, he chose kotsu cuz he have unresolved daddy issues

choco flavoured d*ck created a topic of Jinx

I feel like his "jinx" is just a psychological thing, nothing magical or anything creepy (like a curse). Y'know, human mind/brain is very powerful. It can even deceive it's own host. I think the jinx only happens when someone or if he believes that something is going happen if they didn't do anything.

Imma use my own experience here to backup my claim. I also have jinx. But my "jinx" only happens when I believe that it's real. For example; whenever I think of this guy, I always gets in trouble. Like something's bad is going to happen. It made me believe that he's a bad luck that's why I harbor resentment to him, I get angry whenever I think of him because I feel like something bad is going to happen.

Later realized that he literally has nothing to do with all the troubles I've been experiencing. I feel like I'm treating him as a scapegoat. When I realized that, I started to change my perspective (I even started to doubt my own beliefs).

After changing my perspective/when I started to try not to believe in that jinx (dismissing it), I started to noticed that my "jinx" is starting to disappear. Like all the things that happened to me has a reason/it's a consequence of my actions, it has nothing to do with jinx or anything.

Anyways, I feel like he have this "jinx" because he thinks/believes that if he didn't have sex, he won't win a match (it feels like he lacks confidence to himself, his own capabilities). Jinx exists because of beliefs. If he wants his jinx to disappear, he should start to change his perspective about that thing. It's not like questioning your own beliefs will kill you/will end the world.

choco flavoured d*ck created a topic of Jinx

Lemme use my critical thinking. Before Jaekyung meet Dan, he sleeps around right, to cure his "jinx". And based on what I've seen, whenever he sleeps with Dan, he doesn't use condom. He cums inside him. Like imagine he sleeps around, and he doesn't use protection hiv/std is

I can feel your pain sooyoung

If I were in mc's shoe, I'd change my name, my hair style, leave the country and never come back

Overthrow that bitch and also the emperor (that coward retarded bastard)

Lmao tf are you on disgusting shit! After you killed your own lover just to pursue having an army of robots

choco flavoured d*ck created a topic of See You Never

This story is getting more and more ridiculous wtf