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lma like the answer
homegirl was attacking everyone who dared to argue that their post was racist and or immediately blocking. Some of the shit they said under peoples comments was worse than most of the comments under their post. People sending those messages are shitty, but it's better for UNO and everyone elses mental health that they won't be posting more wack ass......
lma followed question about question

Why? Like I'm a bt guy and I don't get the appeal of yuri because I'm not wlw so why do some straight girls read yaoi? Please don't hate I'm genuinely just curious.

24 03,2024
lma followed a list

Unfulfilled in life, unable to be vulnerable, or crumbling under bad circumstances- these characters will either arouse pity or contempt as they flounder about in self-wallowing. 

Pathetic MCs include:
-Socially awkward / NEETs 
-Crushing on someone out of their league
- Inferiority complex / Insecurity about not being good enough 
-Bullied (and doesn't fight back)
-Dillusioned about life
- Mediocrity / plain / boring

05 06,2023
lma followed a list
lma add 1 photos to dilf
lma add 1 photos to dilf
lma add 1 photos to dilf
lma add 1 photos to dilf
lma add 1 photos to dilf
lma followed a list
lma followed a list

Tbh my siblings r collectively worth a Big Mac 

BUT these r the absolute best BLs n ones I think have a lot of potential. This list has a bit of everything - HIDDEN GEMS, fluff, drama, action, horror, psychological etc. Wont include 2 with the same couple. Not a fan of pwp, romantisized rape, dubcon, blackmail, infedelity, pedophilia, incest, etc. 

Description: summary → tags → comment (not always there) → rating

Open to suggestions!
Youd make me rlly happy by recommending this list :))

15 01,2023