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Holly Chew's experience ( All 0 )

Holly Chew's answer ( All 2 )

about penpals
I will LOVE you to add me to the group, I'm also a closet fujoshi bc my friends basically don't care about my life so I haven't told anyone about it. If you want to add me my line id is hollychew   reply
19 11,2017
about penpals
Holly Chew 19 11,2017
Hiiii!!! I'm looking for yaoi obsessed friends too, so if you want you can add me to the group or chat in line! My line id is hollychew   reply
19 11,2017

Holly Chew's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being an insomniac

Monday tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
A week. Every hour every minute u know night after night I'll be always awake.

9 hours
did read books

The mistborn series by brandon sanderson is an amazing fantasy trilogy. Anything by RF kuang is good too especially Babel.

16 hours
did being an insomniac

I daydream before I sleep.

20 hours