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ahoy set sail! created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung seems incapable of affection.... he'll probably end up chasing out of possessiveness or for the jinx ....i don't need a chasing arc I need a Jaekyung catching feelings arc ...and then Jaekyung being eaten alive by his guilt for treating Dan like crap arc ... ( ̄へ ̄)

ahoy set sail! created a topic of Jinx

There's absolutely nothing Jaekyung could do to redeem himself... unless of course he can turn back time and undo all his fuckery......

ahoy set sail! created a topic of Nerd Project
ahoy set sail! created a topic of Did It Work

His gangster boyfriend better shut all of them up ヽ(`Д´)ノ

ahoy set sail! created a topic of 2020

He's probably an undercover cop .....right ?

The wait is over y'all ! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

ahoy set sail! created a topic of Gig of the Day

I knew it...the top was too hot to be nice anyway's a yaoi rule at this point...the hotter they are the shittier the personality*_*

Well that was intense......way too intense. ..had me a bit concerned kinda intense Σ(  ̄□ ̄)

Are you sure you wanna tell him now ? When you have a 4 hr drive ahead of it worth making him mad .....think twice ....thrice in your case ...

Can alphas get pregnant in this omegaverse? Because if so .....this manhwa is about to be a perfect masterpiece.

ahoy set sail! created a topic of 1 to 10

My hearteu... My hearteu is oh my god ಥ‿ಥ

ahoy set sail! created a topic of Gig of the Day

I get that he's being honest and shit but ....the uke is way too precious for this heart break .... please nooo

ahoy set sail! created a topic of Nerd Project

Why is this so freaking good ?

ahoy set sail! created a topic of Jinx

Jumping off a cliff in 3, 2-

ahoy set sail! created a topic of No Moral

Your Honor, its a crime to end a chapter like this.