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... created a topic of Full volume

I loved the hint of yuri haha, I hope they get a spin off. Congratulations to the happy couple!

LESSGOOOOOO!!!!! I can't wait!

Bless older big titty ukes. And a DILF?? Okay, I get it. I am sat.

... followed a goer
13 03,2024
... created a topic of Interview with a Murderer

I had this on my reading list for a while and I'm glad to have been able to read it in one go! Clark's character was very consistent and even so, it still shocked me! I am so glad it ended the way it did. Alex was deeply disturbed and even with his past sob story the author didn't use it as an excuse but an explanation.

I loved this so much, I do feel bad but it was honestly just perfect of an ending you could get with this. I first thought prison would be best but there's something poetic about this ending instead.

A revenge plot usually isn't even my forte as it's usually written as cruel and crude as possible.

I'm glad this ending wasn't tragic and ended on some kind of loose hope. Clark cared the most in the world about his friend, the psychiatrist. He loved him, the only person he really claimed was his friend after everything. You can't even say the Inspector, as close as he gotten with the stress of it all, Clark would claim was his friend that wasn't for his manipulation to care about him in case something happened to him.

This story is full of sad unfilled people doing whatever they want to try and fill that hole. Even the psychiatrist, he knew his patient was a murderer and instead of reporting him, he had a "I can save him" complex that got him killed, and a looser extent when he was swindled for trusting others that were overtly harmful. Clark will probably deep down hold guilt over that. He's smart enough to know, it wasn't his fault and did everything in his twisted mind to prevent that but didn't take in the account of how unstable Alex is and his warped perception of his own reality. He believed that only he was at risk and when he realized he wasn't, he, in my opinion, lost his upper hand.

Clark thought he would be able to control this situation, like he has all his life it seemed. Ending with his final resolution. You see moments of Clark actually feeling way more than his disposition lets off, especially when alone. I do feel like, even if not hinted at and spelled out at times with the ring, I do love that this story didn't hold your hand completely in their minds to read this work.

I definitely rate this 5/5! It wasn't very graphic and felt the right amount of tension and suspense that kept you wondering how will this end. If you have yaoi brain, you might have felt some shock too at this outcome that is definitely satisfying! No one ends happy in this yet, it doesn't seem like the final chapter of Clark or the Inspector's lives even if it may feel like it in the moment. And that, makes me glad.

... created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

THE HONESTY, THE TENDERNESS, THE LOVE, THE COMPASSION, THE "GOO?" I am losing my mind over this, so cute. They're all so so cute. Good job, team.

Too bad they couldn't finish lmAO

... created a topic of Love in Orbit

Sohan is just having a bad time wtf
Help him :(((

... created a topic of Geolson's Past

Another story where I wish the MC ended up with the friend and not the ML. Why do authors do this...? Genuinely? Do people really like this horrible trope of an awfully gross ML over a genuinely caring friend who has been nothing but helpful and supportive? Man...

... created a topic of Define The Relationship

... okay, worth the many chapters of edging... worw...

... created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

I'm blushing, I'm bLUSHING, this was so soft, I'm so soft for them. It makes me wanna throw up in a good way because it was so sweet it makes me sick. I love them so so so much, Theo, Seth. Have a million babies. Bring back the original population of the Clan. Ugh, help I want to see them grow old together... I'm so weak for them.

The way he was just blocked everyone was hilarious, oh dear. Poor Wonwon baby is going to come back with his phone dry, desolate even

... created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

How much beauty and love is in their hearts. Oh what joy to witness

... created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Oh, Theo!! Oh, Seth!! Please have a happily ever after.

... created a topic of Define The Relationship

More rimming and communication....... that is all.

This is SO cute! One comment made me read this but it's way better than expected... adorable. I love delinquents and delinquent-esque characters that are especially super cute or gap-moe!

... created a topic of Oni to Tengoku

Aoki was so cute this chapter, I love him always but his expressions were so lovely missing Tengoku <3

... created a topic of Define The Relationship

I just can't get over Lyle on the table in that one panel...

... created a topic of Define The Relationship

The first red panel, the swirly green panel, the LAST panel... Yeah. That is all. Lyle is so...... [inaudible noises] ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

... created a topic of Define The Relationship

I was already swooning about how cute Lyle was this chapter but I SCREAMED when Ash but him in his lap. It's like secondhand embarrassment but also... nice...

... created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Sir Calion can screw right off!! He's pretty but like... pretty nasty. eUGH