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Lhiozy created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

I can't even with this man, he ain't about playing around

Kill that trash and throw *it* in a ditch or something

Lhiozy created a topic of SPY x FAMILY

Not me crying over here :'(

Lhiozy created a topic of Tsubame's Happiness

Okay, new title drop, let's go ~

Just dispose of that man NOW. Get rid ~

Lhiozy created a topic of Jinx

Thanks for the meal ~

I'm so sick and tired of that old man, someone dispose of him please

Lhiozy created a topic of Waterside Night

I love these men so much, they're driving me nuts

Lhiozy created a topic of Full volume

What do you mean the end? I've been here since day one, they're my children I can't let them go yet ಥ_ಥ

Lhiozy created a topic of Kono Oto Tomare!

Yeah, Miran's story is sad and all but... She's aware herself that she's not a nice person. You can try and justify her actions, but you can justify them to a certain extent. She's shown no signs of actually wanting to change...
And you can't even blame the sister for her complex, since she's always been so nice and supportive of Miran. Her parents are a bit to blame, yeah, but still, Miran has never tried to be better, friendlier, less selfish, etc.

Lhiozy created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

I didn't check the amount of chapters that were out before I started reading... And now I've caught up in one day :(

Lhiozy created a topic of Wet Sand

Idk, I'm just here to enjoy them sexy scenes at this point. No thoughts head empty

Lhiozy created a topic of Jinx

Of course I'm not crying... ( T﹏T )

Lhiozy created a topic of Kono Oto Tomare!

I understand the frustration but Miran needs to get a grip. The teacher should also be more of a supportive figure and tell her why he made those changes..

Lhiozy created a topic of Limited Run

What do you mean "the end" ?? I know there'll be side stories but the ending to the main story felt... Underwhelming

Lhiozy created a topic of Akatsuki no Yona

Zeno what the fuck ⊙﹏⊙

Lhiozy created a topic of Kono Oto Tomare!

This manga always makes me cry, it's so wholesome, so pure. Chika my smol bby (╥﹏╥)

I cannot describe how that last panel made me feel

Lhiozy created a topic of Trash of the Count's Family

Baecroix is ready to put his skills to good use