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M020XViiio April 9, 2021 1:10 pm


M020XViiio December 18, 2020 9:32 pm

I think that there is a character development in this chapter but the thing is it’s not the normal development that we see in other manhwa in this hapter i can see SH after he thinks that his feeling were rejected started to act as if he never had them and had sex with NK and you can see when he asked NK if you don’t dislike me then what he didn’t want to hear anything because he was scared to believe NK (in my opinion ) and the same thing that happened in the doctor house ( not sure it’s the dr house or not i am guessing ) he will tell him how he felt and wake up and see NK gone and you can tell that he doesn’t like to see NK cry he is weak to it and he tells himself how could I believe you I think he meant when NK told him that he was waiting for him when you never smiled to me and it’s true NK always crying even SH said that he always cry whenever he is with him and this point I think it’s not that he ran away that make SH go crazy is that he thinks NK will never have feelings for him and that is were i can see the character development in SH that he wants NK to love him the same way that he loves th learned teacher
Sorry my english is not the best

M020XViiio's questions ( All 2 )

M020XViiio February 18, 2021 11:54 pm

The seme is an assassin that kill people if you pay him and he killed the uke parents so the uke wants revenge and follow him around wanting to kill the seme but can’t

M020XViiio December 27, 2020 2:46 pm

Do you know the name of manga where there is like a hit man than works for different organizations and a boy that follows him saying he killed his parents and want to kill and the semsme rape him sometimes

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