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Swut Pyunt created a topic of Daughter of the Emperor

Awwn I wanted to see who was going to be the ML :(( But it's okay the ending was beautiful But I feel like Ahin is the ML. I feel sorry for Harvel tho. Damn I can't choose. I like the flirty demanding type but I also like gentle and cute type.

Swut Pyunt created a topic of The Lady's Butler

I have a feeling that, he's not Lancelot....but someone else

Help the goblin keeps reminding me of Xiao from Genshin

Ray I beg of the demon lord, please be the ML or I'll have to drop this manhwa :((

Both Asher and Aria really said Revenge is sweet. Mielle whatever it is I would like to see u suffering more in the future too <3

Swut Pyunt created a topic of Lady to Queen

How do murder without getting caught?