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Ray :) asked question about question

I’ve seen so many people (including myself) just make brainless, simple comments. Then in comes the big brains with their 20 000 word essay, which nobody asked for ( ̄へ ̄) Then will get upset and become rude when the OP doesn’t want to read/discuss it?? I’ve seen it so often as well as it happens to me someone explain plz (yes i jus......

Ray :) created a topic of Best Friends

when you gon let me fuck mrs. parker
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Ray :) created a topic of Seeing Double

So let me get this straight
for the longest you guys were like “Man up, Take initiative, Go get Ohn yourself, Stop being shy”

Ray :) created a topic of Sweet Spot (se yang)

the beach date better be exactly that (▰˘◡˘▰)

Ray :) created a topic of Siren's Song

Why are some you acting like your “morally” better than some of us. We are all here in the same place- If people can’t put their negative opinions doesnt that mean you can’t put your positive one? since it’s a illegal site why don’t we completely get rid of comment sections as a whole if that’s the problem!
Everyone knows what this comment sections is going to be like everytime it updates yet you chose to read it then get upset over it. Take your own advice”don’t like it don’t read it”
If you wanna talk about the story go for it! You’re allowed to comment whatever you want just as other people are. Wether it be positive or negative
We all read here, We are all equally bad. Stop acting like your above everyone else

Ray :) created a topic of Black Lotus
Ray :) created a topic of Given

Any of you actually done anal? It’s gonna be very daunting, overwhelming and hurt like a mf (and i doubt they prepared properly)
Shizu kept asking for consent/if he wanted to stop and Hiiragi told him to shut up and stop asking.
Hiiragi never said stop so idk where that came from. Obviously if your partner says ‘wait’ you should wait ( i also heard saying stuff like that has a different meaning in Japan) but this is BL it’s not gonna be 100% realistic
We will just have to wait till next chapter to see how it plays out~
They for sure should’ve talked before hand and established a clear boundary(again it’s a BL/ not realistic.) but their just 2 teen boys in love

Ray :) created a topic of King's Maker

is it just me or is the story is starting to feel a little stale. I am starving for just a tiny bit of relationship development or something Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) overall it just feels a little repetitive~ more Sys and his fine ass guards

Ray :) created a topic of Private Scandal

i just “read” the raws and omfg
i’m so sick of seeing this mf kid LEAVE THEM ALONE
making Ilyan interact with ‘it’ is just cruel at this point fucken hell

Ray :) created a topic of Monthly Chest

i see boob. i click boob ヾ(☆▽☆)

Ray :) created a topic of 19 Days

Who do i need to please to have this?

Ray :) created a topic of Yours to Claim

Yesss i’m team rapist- i mean…Team yeehaw

Ray :) answered question about question
People joke about anime deaths everyday Its a character a drawing some lines on paper if u just said ⚰️ its harmless (overused but harmless) Then kids don’t realize the real world is nothing like the internet, regular people won’t care in real world. Unless u explicitly made a joke about a suicide/how they died then you would be in the......
Ray :) answered question about question
look at how popular school girl porn is. i haven’t seen anyone say anything about it… teacher x student, niece x uncle, mom x son at least keep the energy with all the other shit too!!
Ray :) created a topic of Siren's Song

“you’re weird for thinking he looks like a child”
bro... just say you’re into shota and go ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Ray :) created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

i wish i could get the time back i wasted on this trash
Maybe just MAYBE if that asshole actually apologized and felt bad for his actions, then i could enjoy it a bit more. but no. no development and he is trash till the end (︶︿︶)=凸

Ray :) created a topic of Siren's Song

Us: Yul how old are you?
Yul: goo goo ga ga